Ok Gang, Sorry this is a day late. Maybe it’s cause I was tired or maybe it’s cause the assignment just wasn’t meant to go out yesterday. But as I thought and thought about the assignment my mind grew more and more blank. So finally I just shut down and said we will try again tomorrow. Now tomorrow is today and I woke up with one certain assignment in mind. No scripture to go with it just a you know what to do now do it kind of thing.
We have spent much of our time the last few weeks focused on listening to God. This tells me that if we have been following the assignments; "we have been hearing from God". Hearing is one thing following is something completely different. I have a strange feeling that each of us have been hearing something from God for much longer than just the few weeks the Upside Down Group has been focusing on listening. But have we been diving into what he is saying. If he is telling you to spend more time with him are you doing it? If he is telling you to reach out to someone have you done it? What has God been telling you to do? It doesn’t matter if it’s been the last couple of weeks or the last couple of years if God has been telling you to do something it’s about time we do it.
I know, I know easier said than done. True! But we need to remember who is telling us to do it. If Abraham had ignored God when he said to leave his home where would Israel be? Nonexistent! If David had ignored God when he said to fight Goliath would he be the family tree of Christ? Gods people said no to entering the promised land the first time and they were left roaming in the desert for 40 years. Then they decided to fight and they gained their own land. Israel quit listening to God and they struggled. They turned back to God and they were blessed. We see this time and time again throughout scripture. Now I don’t want anyone to read this and think for a second that I am saying God will curse them if they don’t follow his prompting. But I do want you to realize that by not following you will miss his blessing that is tied to it. But more than the physical blessing we will miss the joy tied to knowing our Lord and Savior in a more intimate way. Hopefully one day the joy of walking hand in hand with my God will out way my desire to be prosperous and safe here on Earth. I will admit that I have a long way to go before that happens but I also know that it will never happen if I chose to play it safe. I must get to a point where I realize that playing it safe is far more dangerous than taking risks whenever God is involved (Hmm, sounds like upside down thinking doesn’t it)
Our assignment for the week? Do what God is telling you to do (Even if it doesn’t make sense) Step out have a good time and most of all lets not forget to “Live it upside down”