Saturday, December 18, 2010
The fact of the matter. I was on an emotional low after a major High. Satan the accuser uses that as a way to wedge himself between God and Us. The fact that I've been stressing more than I ever have proves that I allowed him to do that. Thank God that he doesn't Love us according to "Emotion" he Loves Us "JUST BECAUSE" I needed down time to process the Mass Download God gave me before I could move on. He was with me, he never left me, I never left him. I can point out provisions from him in the last few months since returning home (Shoot I can point out provisions in the last week) Satan tried to drive that wedge and it did work briefly but what happened in the long run was my excessive stress, my kicking myself, my health issues as a result of said stress and everything else negative gave me a reminder "THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS LIKE WHEN NOT TRUSTING IN OR FOCUSED ON GOD" and it's only serving to backfire on Satan. You see God has given me some new visions to work towards. Things that I am now processing and slowly bringing up to others in my Community of Believers. Things that are going to take a leap of faith to work towards. Things that I will be telling you about soon(ish). Things I would possibly never do EXCEPT satan accidently reminded me "The worse place one could ever be is Not Trusting God."
I tell you all of this for two reasons.
First for your prayers. While I am coming out of my funk and beginning to feel alive again I'm not completely out. Also that as I process these new visions I hear clearly from God and let the Holy Spirit Guide.
Second I hope this can be an encouragement to anyone who may be where I've been. You may feel like God has left you or fear that you've run away from God. You can't run fast enough God is no further away. Look at what you're feeling recognize those feelings are not from God. Remember what it feels like to be in the heart of Gods will and use the comparison of the two to propel you back into "Active Relationship with Him"
Monday, October 18, 2010
Let's stop the war!
Enough Larry tell me what you're talking about! Don't push me! I've been delaying, trying to find the best way to explain it without insulting anyone. I hate ruffling feathers ;-). Lets find a topic for discussion one that we can all agree with. "Stealing candy from a baby!" I think we can all agree that it's not good to steal candy from a baby (Cut it with the "it's for his health" remarks) Lets say John Smith see's little baby betty with a sucker he thinks the sucker looks good "Mmm Chocolate tootsie pop my favorite Baby Betty doesn't need it I think I'll take it for myself" Just as John goes to grab it Jane Doe see's him and stops him from taking it. "Hey John you can't have that it's not yours"
John: But I want it
Jane: It's not right to steal
John: Why not I want it
Jane: It's been a rule since the beginning of time you can't steal
John: That's a stupid rule
Jane: But it's a rule and you have to follow it
John: But I'm predispositioned to steal. I can't help it
Jane: That's not a good excuse you can't steal
John: Says you my dad says it's ok
Jane: You're dad is wrong
John: Who are you to judge me and my dad. You think you're better than me
Jane: John stealing is wrong
John: I have 10 friends that say you're wrong and judgemental
Jane: Your friends are wrong
His 10 friends: You're wrong lady we have proof that your way of thinking is antiquated.
Jane: Don't be silly throughout history stealing has never been exceptable.
Friend: You're just a biggot.
Jane: I have friends that can prove it.
John: They're biggots
This arguement doesn't seem to be going anywhere does it. Take it out further and you could have Jane giving scientific proof that stealing is wrong and John refuting it with scientific proof that it's a natural part of our instinct and society has wrongfully suppressed it for hundreds of thousands of years. Next thing you know "Jane" who was just defending a little baby is known as a judgemental hater of the new free thinking generation of thiefs. Battle lines are drawn between the two parties Janes group has hired lawyers to protect babies rights to keep their sucker and Johns group has hired lobbyists to encourage a bill be passed making it legal to steal from any baby 3 years of age or older because he/she is old enough to hide the sucker from any potential thief.
Please someone tell me there is something right about this system of justice. Now let me take it one step further. Jane throws into her arguement that stealing from a baby is not the "Christian thing to do" and she can quote scriptures argueing against it. Since this is a nation built on Christian principles our government has no choice but to "PROTECT OUR BABIES FROM SUCKER THIEVES!" John's Side argues that they are not bound by principles of a religion they don't embrace.
I know, I know. This example is simple, it's stupid, it's ludicrous. It's what we are doing constantly day to day every day. ME TOO! I've caught myself right there in the mix. Years ago I remember saying to myself that we as Christians have no right to push our belief or lifestyle on others. God doesn't force it so what gives us the right? Then I see legislation getting pushed and I'm like if that passes it's just another step toward the destruction of our country and I can't have that. So I begin pushing to stop certain freedoms from happening. Forget politically, I even do it personally. "You're a Christian don't do that!" We constantly do it in our church "You're not dressed up enough, You're too dressed up, Don't drink, Don't smoke, Don't cuss, No Sex out of Marriage"
Tell me when is the last time you had a favorable thought towards someone that told you NOT to do something? (Don't go to work doesn't count)
It seems to me that we spend way too much time talking about what we are against and not enough time talking about what WE ARE FOR! I can't think of too many times when Jesus talked about what he was against. He spent his time talking about what he was for. He was for his fathers business. The only time I can think of is when he was argueing with the pharisees but they claimed to be about his father business that made him mad because they were misrepresenting his father. I can't think of one time a "Non-Believer" came to him that he shoved their sin in thier face. I do think of Zacchaeus after Jesus simply paid attn to him repenting and repaying everybody he ever wronged. I do think of a prostitute that was so overwhelmed by Jesus love that she wept and washed his feet with her hair. I think of a woman divorced many times and living with another that turned an entire village onto Christ and into heaven. Jesus never once condemned her. I think of a Mob ready to stone a prostitute Jesus one statement calmed them. He didn't condemn them he just stated "Whoever is without sin throw the first stone." We all know we have sin we struggle with even those who don't confess Christ know their sin pointing it out doesn't help. What does then?
What if we tried pointing out what we are for NOT what we are against. Jesus did this and he changed the world. What if instead of saying "Hey stealing from a baby is wrong" Jane said please "Let me give you one of mine instead."
How about it Gang instead of telling the world what we are against lets tell it what we are about. We are about Loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, We are about loving a brother greater than we love ourselves, We are about our fathers business. Remember we can't stop at talking the talk we have to walk the walk as well. If we do I guarantee we will turn this world "Upside Down"
Monday, September 13, 2010
40 years and 1 mistake!
Moses the greatest prophet to ever live (Deuteronomy 34:10) This guy lived as PRINCE OF EGYPT for 40 years and left it all because he felt a calling to his people. He spent the next 40 years building a new life in a new country he was happily married with children and we presume that he presumed he had misunderstood his calling and had moved on with his life when God calls him and says GO! Set your people free! After a brief argument with God he once again leaves all he knows to head back to Egypt the place he Ran from 40 years earlier. He then leads his people out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the promised land. Whoops wait a minute Not into the promised land just too it then Joshua took over and led them into it. Moses was not allowed to enter it. 80 years earlier Moses leaves his position as "Prince of Egypt" for this very purpose. 40 years earlier he begins leading Israel on the actual journey. For 40 years his job is to lead Gods people to the promised land. 40 years earlier he stood at the base of the Promised Land ready to enter. It was at his grasp yet Israel was too afraid to try.
Can you imagine he was at the base of entering a land that was promised to his forefathers he heard about it his entire life now at 80 years of age he's their and the people he's leading are too afraid to trust a God that led them out of Egypt. As a result "40 years in the wilderness" 40 years passes and once again he's at the base of the promised land Gods promise is going to happen this time. Israel is ready MOSES HAS SPENT 120 YEARS WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT AND... God says no. Joshua will lead them in not you. WHAT! That's gotta hurt. WHY? Deuteronomy 32:51 "Because you trespassed against me among the children of Israel... Because you did not hallow me in the midst of the children of Israel" (The actual incedent Numbers 20 10 - 12) Moses had one moment in 40 years of leadership that he did not Lift God up to Israel and did his own thing. God still provided for Israel in that moment but Moses and Aaron now can't enter the promised land as a punishment.
What are you getting at Larry? I DON'T KNOW! Look scripture makes it clear that we are his children and we have heaven as a reward all we need do is Love God and accept the Gift he gave us through Christ. So I'm not saying if you make one mistake you're a gonner. But I do think we are missing something here. I think we in todays church are somehow playing with fire. We are taking Gods gift saying thank you and then living however we darn well please. We as Gods children his representatives are not "Hallowing God" in front of the rest of the world. We are not revearing him. Moses, the greatest prophet to ever live did this once and lost his lifes dream. As a human being he was never able to walk into the promised land. He did make heaven but missed a "Complete Life" here on Earth. If that is what happened to Moses what are we missing out on? What would a "Full" or "Complete" life look like. We may not be missing out on Heaven but we are missing out on something that God wants us to have but we will never know what it is. Not until we learn to Hallow/revere God in front of all those God gives us to lead. We wont learn to do this until we learn to fear him.
I don't know about you but I want to know what it is I'm missing out on. I want to walk in completeness, I want to experience all God has for me to experience. The more I think about it I can't believe I've been playing games with the Creator of the entire universe. I pray that he forgive me, I pray that he help me to turn my life "Upside Down"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Seeking What?
You may say "All of these are correct. It's a personal thing between God and I." You may say "It's the disciplines. You don't find God through one of these but through a combination of them all."
I read something this week that made me begin to think that while all of these are wonderful pursuits we may be missing one CRUCIAL step. After all the Pharisees were great with the law but missed the point entirely. We have biblical scholars that can't agree on what half the bible is saying "Agree to disagree" is a very common phrase in studying the bible. We have others desperately seeking a right relationship with God but can"t seem to keep their family together. How many of us are trying to earn Gods love by working or going to church every time the doors are open?
In the beginning of Proverbs we have Solomon telling us the purpose of the book. Verses 1-6 he's rambling off his desire for us to grow in "Wisdom, Understanding" Then in Verse 7 he begins to say how "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" Did you catch it? Lets move on Proverbs 2 verses 1 - 4 says "IF YOU" (If you receive, If you Treasure, Incline your ear, etc...) But verse 5 finally moves to "THEN YOU" Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, After that he spends the next half of the chapter talking about all that God gives you once you understand the FEAR OF THE LORD. Then in verse 12 it switches to what he will protect us from once we understand the fear of the Lord. Proverbs 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil Verse 8 It will be health to you flesh and strength to your bones. I haven't read all the way through Proverbs since picking this up but I believe I'll find that Proverbs rather than being random words of wisdom is an instruction book for how to seek, find, and understand "THE FEAR OF THE LORD" Even in Job Chap 28 verse 28 it says "Behold the fear of the Lord, That is wisdom, and to depart from evil is Understanding.
Long story short. All those things listed at the beginning of this note are great things to pursue. But I think the best way to find them is to seek to understand and develop a strong/healthy "Fear of the Lord" Do this and the rest will automatically follow. My personal mission with the Upside Down Group is to help others view this Upside Down world with eyes turned rightside up. I'm beginning to think the best way to do that is buy developing a Fear of the Lord. I admittedly have a ways to go. How about you?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Very Cool
Now, you want to know my fear? That even though Rhonda took that step of faith. She will still find those in need unwilling to ask for help, she will find those with the skills to help waiting to be asked instead of stepping up to the plate. She will be met with "Great Plan" but noone willing to take advantage of her leg work. Because of this she will leave feeling defeated, tired and asking "Why Bother" I've watched it happen. Shoot I've experienced it. That's because Satan does not want these plans to succeed. He fights them. He uses things such as "PRIDE, COMPLACENCY, LAZINESS, Etc..." He tells us we have nothing to give so don't offer. These are all lies. For those of you out there struggling, needing assistance I give you three magical words. "HELP ME PLEASE" For those of you with eye's to see I give you four magical words "HOW CAN I HELP". For all of us I give you this advice "BE WILLING TO USE EITHER PHRASE"
For everyone I have just a couple more questions for you to ask yourselves. By asking and answering these questions you'll have the power to turn the world "Upside Down"
Now I have one more question.
I mean it
Monday, August 16, 2010
I'm Baaack!
What do I have to say today? Well lets talk about the month or so that I've been silent. It's been overall a great time. God has blessed me with a great job that allows me the flexibility I've always desired and looks as if it will pay better than any job I've ever had. (In this economy any job is a blessing so I praise God for the fit of this one.) With the new job I've dove into it trying to learn the ropes working extra hours to find that extra sale (Yep I'm sales pure commission at that). I've kept my schedule open for friends yet always manage to find a way to keep busy. I've never enjoyed just sitting around so I quickly find ways to stop that from happening. You can say after my 13 months of unemployment and 6 months of travel I have once again settled into the typical life in America today. Complete with forgetting to FOCUS ON GOD DAILY! After over a year of making God my focus I find a job and slip right out of the habit. How does that happen? For me it was like two completely different lives. God gave me the clear to search out and find a job and I told myself "Time to get back to life" How stupid is that? I EXOERIENCED LIFE for over a year then truthfully I stepped out of life. God is life, He is what gave me life, He is why I was living a dream then I turn and take my focus off of him. INSANITY! Nothing has changed with God. He is still my provider (He's just using ADT security as the vehicle.) As much as I would love to jump back into unemployment and on my bike to get alone with God again that is not what he's calling me to. He is trying to teach me how to live the day to day and still keep him as the ultimate center. He's teaching me to focus on him in and through all things. The past year showed me things that work for me. This blog is huge whether you enjoy it or not I've learned that writing it helps me to focus on what God has been showing me over the week. Spending time to read his word and veg on it is critical. I need to say "I will spend X amount of time daily" this will stop me from reading his word then instantly closing it without asking God "What are you saying" And I need "alone time" A few hours one day a week where I can be alone with God and just hang.
These are things I've learned that I must do. Not only must do but really want to do Cause I wants to be stay in relationship with my Daddy, Father God! Over the last couple weeks I have felt more stress over life then I did in my 13 months of umemployment. I had a day last week where I had to text my closest friends and say "PRAY FOR ME" Cause I was under some serious attack spiritually. I let my guard down and Satan said GET HIM! My goal is to not let that happen again and these are the things I need to do to keep that from happenig. But forget the attack I was just plain missing hanging with my God, Creator, and Friend.
That list of things I mentioned that I do. Those are things that I NEED TO DO. What about you? What do you do on a daily basis to stay close too and get to know God better? Don't have a list? Get one! The way our society is built we will lose focus if we don't have a plan. How's that old saying Go? "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail" So fill us in. Let us know! What do you do? What do you plan to do? Help us out. In telling us what you do you may help someone else find what they can do. Ok everyone hope you had a great day lets move into this week and live it "Upside Down"
Monday, May 24, 2010
What is your Treasure?
Matthew 6:19-21
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
So what is this saying?
1. Don’t store up your treasure on Earth.
2. Do store up your treasure in Heaven.
How do we do this?
1. Take what’s important to us and use it for what’s important to God.
2. When we do the above our Hearts will follow.
Are you storing your treasure in Heaven or on Earth?
Do you want to store your treasures in Heaven?
Do you want to learn what that means?
Do you want to learn how to do this?
Do you want to do this?
Did you answer yes to any of the last 4 questions? I mentioned a new small group I’m forming a couple weeks back. This is the driving force of what we will be working on. If this is of interest to you there is still time to join we haven’t begun yet. We haven’t even chosen a night yet. Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. Let me know if you are interested and which night works best for you. I promise you will not have experienced a group like it.
Come on Gang whether or not you can join the group you can still begin storing your treasure where it belongs. Lets do it and turn this world “Upside Down!”
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Food for Thought!
1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'I am the LORD your God. 3 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God. 5 Keep my decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD.
You must not do as they do where you’ve been living and you must not do as they do where you are going. Hmmm, It seems to me that we’ve got this “Upside Down” As I observe society today. “WE” seem to be compromising Gods desires for the worlds. “Keep my decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. I am the Lord” I don’t know about you but “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” How about it Gang are we ready to stop compromising?
Monday, May 10, 2010
One of my weaknesses
My friends we need to “GET OVER IT” we need to spend our time growing closer to God and when he gives us a calling we need to trust what he has developed in us in GET TO IT! Yes of course we need to plan, we need to think and process but don’t use that as an excuse to sit back. Don’t wait till ya have it all figured out. Last Friday night I heard someone speaking and he commented on how he was recently told he needed to get out of “Figure it out mode” I like it! Friends GET OUT OF FIGURE IT OUT MODE AND START DOING! I myself have been in this mode since returning home from my trip. I’ve found myself walking and asking God “What now” to which I keep hearing him respond “Just Do it” God this isn’t a Nike commercial it’s my life we’re talking about! “Larry just do it” JUST DO WHAT! What I’ve put on you heart. God I know what you put on my heart but I don’t know how to go about it. Larry just do it just take a step. Can you believe it? I left my job a year ago not knowing how God would provide but he did. I left on a road trip seven months ago not knowing how God would provide HE DID. I make it home not knowing how God would get me a job in this economy HE DID. Know I’m sitting not wanting to take a step because I don’t have it all figured out? HE DOES!
So here’s the thing. For the last few years I have felt that God was in some way calling me to the church. Calling me to serve his people but until recently I didn’t know what that meant. Now I believe it’s to encourage and empower his people YOU to get out there and live the life he created you for. There are so many people out there that want to step it up but don’t know how. That want to learn more of God but not sure what to do. That want to show the world his love but are afraid to risk. First things first I want to right now tell you DO IT! Just take a step and God will be there. God will ignite such a passion and excitement inside you that you’ll never want it quenched. I know sometimes it’s easier said then done. Let me put this out there for you to chew on. I plan on starting a new group a “Small Group” that is focused on doing this thing together. I don’t claim to have it all figured out that’s what makes this so exciting. My step, my “Just do it” is this group I invite you to join me. The only guarantee I offer you is that you will be challenged. WE will be challenged. This group will be different, it wont be a bible study lets call it “On The Job Training” If you are interested in joining let me know. Get back to me with when you are available and hopefully we can find a time that works for anyone interested. What do ya say? Lets figure it out together! Lets step out together! Lets risk together! Lets Love together! Together lets turn the world “Upside Down”
Monday, May 3, 2010
Please don’t read this and think “Boy Larry is full of himself” I realize that many of you reading this have a better understanding of Gods Love than I do. I want you to kick in. Give your two cents worth to help motivate and inspire. We are all in process and it is our duty to lift each other up. Shoot one of the major reason I want to inspire others is so you can inspire me as well. That’s a selfishness I’m willing to admit. Please chime in. Has this blog inspired or motivated you in anyway? How? Have the weekly assignments or our Encouragement projects? What else can we do? Help a brother out here. I need you, I love you, I want the best for you and I want you to press and pull the best from me. If we learn to communicate openly, If we learn to act as a family we will turn this world “Upside Down”
Monday, April 26, 2010
Don't mess with me God!
Sean: It’s not your fault.
Will: I know
Sean: It’s not your fault
Will: I know
Sean: It’s not your fault
Will: I KNOW
Sean: It’s not your fault
Will: Don’t mess with me Sean not you
Sean: It’s not your fault
Will: (Pushes Sean) Don’t mess with me
Sean: It’s not your fault
Will: (Crying) Sean: (Pulls him into a hug)
That was the beginning of the TRUE healing process for Will. Even though he knew in his head that “It wasn’t his fault” he needed someone to drive it home for him. He needed that understanding to sink deep into his soul before he could move on with his life. Until that time happened he would live a life far far less than he was created for. He would not be able to believe that he was capable of being loved.
Friends, I fear that this is where many if not most of us stand. You see when we were born we were steeped in sin. We didn’t stand a chance we were born in a sinful world surrounded by sin raised by sinful parents, had sinful role models, and it is a part of our very instinct to pursue self before anything else (Romans 3: 9 – 20) I think because of this we have a very hard time believing that GOD the creator of the universe could possibly love us. My life has been out of control and Satan beating me up since the day of my birth. God knows what we are against. He isn’t holding that against us. Of course he doesn’t want us to stay there either. That’s why he sent his son. When we read through Gods word we see one message constantly coming at us. A message that we can say “I know” but one that our actions clearly show we don’t completely believe. In Good will Hunting that message was “It’s not your fault” which I do think would play clearly here as well but there’s another message God wants us to know that’s more important.
God: I love you
You: I know
God: I love you
You: I know
God: I love YOU
You: Don’t mess with me God not you
You: Don’t mess with me you couldn’t possibly love me
You: (Crying) Why
You: (A puddle on the floor crying unable to respond)
God: (Wrapping his arms around you and whispers in your ear) I LOVE YOU
If we can learn to truly embrace this our lives would be completely different. No more self destructing. God would turn our world “UPSIDE DOWN”
Monday, April 19, 2010
Love! What's it look like?
So, I’ve spent quite a bit of time lately talking about “Love”. Loving your neighbor as you love yourself, Loving our family in Christ as Christ loves them. The New Testament is loaded with statements about love it goes so far as to say in 1 John 4:8 If you do not love you do not know God because God is Love. Love, Love, Love, Love. We look at ourselves and we seek love through family, friends, mates in many cases we even seek it through our employers/employees. If we don’t have it we are willing to go to the extreme to get it or at least a substitute for it. The sixties had “Free Love”, The Beatles sang All we need is Love, and of course the oldest profession is where we “Pay for Love” Kids give into peer pressure searching for love. Today men and women before they get married claim they “Fell in Love” then they get divorced and tell their kids “We just fell out of Love” I looked up the Webster Dictionary’s definition of Love and this is what I found
1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties
2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion
3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration
4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as (1) : the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others b : a person's adoration of God
5 : a god or personification of love
— at love : holding one's opponent scoreless in tennis
— in love : inspired by affection
Look at all those definitions. It’s clear Love is an over used adjective that nobody really knows the meaning. How can we follow Gods Command to Love if we don’t really know what Love is? I want to try and clear it up right now. Ok that probably wont happen so let me rephrase. I want to give my opinion of what Love is. When Christ was asked “What’s the greatest commandment?” he responded “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart mind, Soul and Strength. The second is like it “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” Christ spent his entire ministry telling us to “Love” “Love your neighbor as you Love yourself” In John 13 and in John 15 he COMMANDS us to Love as he has loved. The problem I think we have with Love is that for some reason we “Think” love is an emotion a feeling But if it’s an emotion or feeling then we don’t have a ton of control over it. If we don’t have complete control over it why would we be commanded to do it? Because of this I have come to the conclusion that Love is A CHOICE that’s it plain and simple Love is a choice or maybe a better definition would be Love is an ACTION that you choose to do. Think about it LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART. This means in all I do I need to look to God first. If I choose to put him first in everything I am loving him completely. If I choose to keep something to myself then I am loving God with everything EXCEPT that one thing? This is where it gets fun. Lets go to the command to “Love our neighbor as we love our self” In all of life I know what I would want someone to do for me. If I then choose to not do all the same things for ANYONE then where I am not doing for them I am not loving them where I am not loving them I am NOT LOVING GOD. God says to love him with our whole heart. Now lets go to a brother or sister in Christ. Here we are commanded to love them as Christ Loved them. This means we need to be willing to sacrifice for them. We usually stop at be willing to die for them because that’s easy rarely is anyone called to die for another. But what about giving up something we hold dear to help a brother in need? What about giving to someone in need and not expecting to ever see it again? What about answering that call at 3:00 in the morning to comfort a mourning or depressed or scared brother/sister? I’m on my way to work and find someone desperately needs me am I willing to risk my job to help? Brothers and sisters on the other side of the world need help in just the area you are skilled in. Are you willing to pack up and leave your job and friends to go help? What if you have no idea how you yourself will make ends meet? Where we are not willing to put ANY brother or Sister in Christ first (Not just the one’s we know) we are falling short of Gods command to love him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
Are you overwhelmed yet? I know I am. I’m sitting here reading what I just typed and thinking “Wow, I could never do that.” Well thankfully we are living under the umbrella of Gods Grace so when we fall short we’re still good. However that is no excuse to not try and get there. It really is a great check of where we stand in how much we are willing to love God. When we recognize that we haven’t loved someone as God commands we now know where we can get to work on learning to love. Training ourselves to act. Then we grow in Love because we’ve learned to act. Whoops I failed to Love again God help me to grow my Love in this area. Thanks God! I can now love more. Shoot I didn’t love again! God can you help me again. Shew, Thanks again God. Continue to repeat the process.
What do you say gang? Are you willing to choose love even if you don’t feel like it. I think this is also what God calls our “Spiritual Act of Worship”. Just think about it if we can learn to Love like this we will turn our world “Upside Down”
Monday, April 12, 2010
Time to show a little love.
Today I experienced a very cool thing. There is this guy that goes to my church as far as I can tell he is the epitome of the word “servant”. Whenever a call for help goes out he is there. If he sees someone needs assistance and it’s something he can’t do he’ll let others that can help know. He’s quick with a smile and a greeting. A few from his church recognized this and wanted to say thank you so they put together what we at the Upside Down Group call an “Encouragement Party” They had people write Thank you notes and send them to him throughout the week then today he was invited to someone’s house for lunch and while he was there all these people began showing up. It didn’t take long for him to realize he was in the middle of a party and was the guest of honor. He was blown away and had a smile on his face that stretched from ear to ear. Now it turns out that this guy had been struggling with some stuff as well and the party is exactly what he needed. It’s not why they threw it but the timing was perfect. This is a great example of what I was talking about last week. “LOVE” in this case love reigned supreme. Mike serves others not because he has to but because he wants to and he wants to because God has placed a love for others in his heart. Mikes family (Re-church) recognized what he does for others and showed love by giving him this party. Nobody was out anything maybe 15 minutes to write a note of Thanks and another hour to join a party (Big Sacrifice) and Mikes day if not week was made his spirits lifted. This my friends is what life in Christ is all about. It’s about taking the time to serve one another. When we serve we love. God is Love.
A couple hours later a group of friends got together for dinner to celebrate the promotion of someone in the group. She had just been offered her dream job and her friends wanted to celebrate with her. That is yet one more example of “Love” Rejoicing with those who rejoice. Of course that’s the easy half of love isn’t it. We don’t do it enough but when we do we are always glad we did. It’s great fun making another smile. The tough part is remembering to mourn with those that mourn yet we are called to this as well. We are called to be “Light” in a dark world. We are called to love. We are called to show love even when it’s tough. As I said last week that is now my goal to walk in love but what does that look like? How do we “Walk in Love”? How do we follow Gods lead? You just read two examples. Do you want to see more? I want to show you. Here is how I plan to do it. Throughout my little road trip every time I updated this blog it was with what God had been showing or teaching me during the week. Now that I’m home I think I’ll mix it up a bit. I don’t expect God to stop so at times I will continue with the “Lesson” type posts. However what I expect to begin seeing with my new focus on “Modeling Gods love” is incredible examples of his people living it out. So even more often I will be writing about just that. What Gods people are doing in his community to show his love. I may write a little about things I was able to do but hopefully I’ll be able to spend more time writing about his community and what they are doing. I pray that in turn this will inspire each of us to step away from fear and into love. The more we are able to do this the better our world becomes. I believe that our community can change drastically overnight when “Love” becomes the driving force. Looking at my calendar it is now April 11 three and a half months into the new year. If each of us committed to model Gods love throughout the rest of the year our city would be turned upside down and if our city flips so does our state. We have the power to change the world my friends it’s about time we harness that power and turn our world “Upside Down” as well.
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Monday, April 5, 2010
Now What?
By now most of you probably already know that my 6 month road trip has come to an end. It was everything I expected and nothing like I expected all at the same time. Before day 1 my plans began to change or to be more accurate I should say “Were changed for me”. I left one week later than planned for a number of different reasons, Weather that hit on day number 2 changed the direction I was riding not only that but it literally corralled me into a very specific direction. Yet even in all of that I had a strange peace knowing that my God was in control of it all. You see God is why I chose to go for a ride. Ok, in an effort of full disclosure God said “Get alone with me for awhile” I’m the one that chose the road trip. Yes he could have spoken to me anywhere, in a coffee shop, locked in my room, a cabin in the country, wherever. I chose to leave so I could avoid distraction and because I’ve always wanted to do this. What’s cool is God loves me. He knew what I would choose he blessed it, and worked in it. If you can’t tell already I am about to talk about this trip and what the next step is. If you’ve been following this blog long you will see that it has become a weekly lesson of sorts those lessons come from what God had been speaking to me about during the week. I’m not completely sure because I haven’t done it yet myself but I bet if you were to go back to the beginning and read up through now you would stumble on a theme. I know that once I look at all God has shown me (Some I’ve shared some will stay between God and I) I see a clear theme for the trip and that began even before I hopped on the bike as well. I’ll begin with a painting. You see, I called up a local Artist (Bill Butler) and asked him to do a painting for me. I wanted something in front of me that would remind me of why I was on this trip. I wanted him for a number of reasons but primarily because he is a “Prophetic Artist”. We chatted for awhile he went to prayer and came up with a Painting called “Great Love” John 15: 12-13 I’ve quoted this verse a number of times over the last 6 months and he couldn’t have chosen a better verse. I could even call this tour of mine the “Great Love Tour” because that is what God revealed over and over and over again. He loves me so much that he gave me this trip. He loves us enough that he gave us this universe, he gave us his son, he gave us freedom, he gave us a choice.
I’m the kind of guy that loves to boil things down to it’s most basic principle. Once you get rid of all the fluff what are you left with? With Christianity however I’ve allowed myself to get all caught up in the theories, debates. I have to admit I even enjoy these types of discussions. I really enjoy chatting Denominational differences. But what we have to do before we ever get bogged down with this type of discussion is understand the basis of everything. Who is God to us? Who are we to God? This is what God showed me. This is what he emphasized in my studies, in who I met, where I went to church, on hikes, while riding my bike, in that painting I told you about. You see my lesson wasn’t a new revelation. You’ll hear it and say “I knew that” but this time God gave me the opportunity to see what that really means. This is called the “Great Love” tour because that’s exactly who God is. 1 John 4:6… God is Love. That is the basics of Christianity right there. God is love and everything he does is “LOVE” God sent Jesus to die for us because he is LOVE, the Spirit has been sent as a helper because God is LOVE, God created this mighty Universe for us to enjoy because God is LOVE. That is exactly what he has shown me in its most basic form. First he showed me how much he loves me. The trip he gave me modeled his Love, His provisions, The Support Group he Gave, The Bike, Our Conversations, God made it abundantly clear that he loves me (Again you can go to my past posts and find specific examples) Next God showed me that he loves all his children. I sat in a town that you couldn’t walk through and not experience the spiritual oppression yet there was a church in the middle of this town that acted like a Sanctuary from the oppression. He gave his children a special grace and gave them a location for regeneration. In the midst of that Oppression I saw how much God loves EVERYONE even those who have nothing to do with him. There was a spiritual warfare and this means God was fighting for them. He is fighting for you. I saw many more very specific examples that I once again mention in past posts.
Then God takes me to scripture and there is not one Apostle not one book in the New Testament that doesn’t hit on LOVE as a major point in the Christian life. You see God loves us so much that yes he sent his only son for us. He loves us so much that he spelled his plan out for us to see in The Old Testament. He didn’t want us to miss it. He loved us so much that even though we didn’t ask for forgiveness he had Jesus die to offer it that way we just had to grab it. He loves us so much that as soon as we turn to him and accept his forgiveness we become a member of his family. Now here’s the catch and the next thing God showed me so clearly. Once we become a member of his family Sons and daughters of God. WE BECOME LOVE! That’s right if God is Love and we are his it only makes sense that we are love. Since we are Love God wants us to act like it. He sent his son to this earth to be love on Earth. He was! Now we are his children on this Earth so we must be Love on Earth. What does that mean? “Love your neighbor as yourself” Your car is broken down and your neighbor has a spare. You would want your neighbor to offer the spare until it’s fixed. time to offer yours to him. Do you enjoy random people giving you money for no reason? Try doing that as well. John 15: 12,13 “A new command I give you Love as I have loved you. No greater love has man than this that he lay down his life for his friends you are my friends if you do as I command you.” In other words treat your brothers and sisters in Christ better than you would yourself. Sacrifice for them. “SACRIFICE FOR THEM”
This is the Gospel in its most basic form. 1. God is love, 2. We are adopted into his family, 3. We are love, 4. Be Love and don’t forget he sent help in the form of The Holy Spirit USE IT!!! This is the main lesson God has shown me over the past 6 months. He is love, we are love, we need to begin acting like it. Sit down for a few minutes and think about what that truly means. What are we really called too.
Now that I’ve told you all of that, the biggest question I’ve been asked is “What’s next?” or “What do you do now?” I honestly don’t know exactly. I have some idea’s that I’m going to walk towards and see what God blesses. The one thing I do know is this. If I walk away from this trip with the lessons that God has shown me and I don’t move toward Love then this past year would have been a waste of time. I plan on waking up in the morning and asking “God who do you have for me to love today?” Then I’m going to walk my day looking for his answer. Once I find it I’ll ask “God how do you want me to love them?” Then I’ll do it! Will I do it every time? Probably not. Will I miss some opportunities? Most likely. But it’s my goal to try. It’s my goal to each and everyday become love. I want to invite you to come along on this Journey of Love. Ya never know if you do your life may just be turned “Upside Down”
Monday, March 29, 2010
God a Prankster?
Reconnecting with an old friend of mine of few weeks back I was reminded of a day trip we took a few years back to Minneapolis. We were going to visit a Christian nightclub (I think it was called the Firehouse) We had wanted to try and open a club in Des Moines and heard about this one so went to check it out. We arrived in MN a couple hrs before this place opened so we decided to check out the “Mall of America” It was fairly new back then and very very busy. Being the optimist that I am I always make a quick pass through the front parking spaces before heading to my real spot in the back of the lot. On this day God was smiling on us. We pull into the first aisle and immediately see a car pulling out of a spot. We smile, laugh and do the whole Thank you God thing, I can’t believe this, God is looking out for us today. Then the car pulls right back in and the people get out. WHAT! We started laughing and said Thanks God that was a mean joke. Just then another car pulled out three or four spots over. This caused us to really bust out laughing. Whoever said God wasn’t a prankster. Being jokesters ourselves we had fun with that one for quite awhile. I’m sure this was probably one of those “you just need to be there moments” But to us it was hilarious we were and still are convinced that God set it up just for us a “Prank the Pranksters” type scenario (We were known as Larry Long and his Buddy Bald) All that to say I think God has a sense of humor. I think he loves to relate with us just like we relate to each other and that means jokes as well. Don’t believe me lets look at the bible. Exodus 3 is the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. God could have gotten Moses attn anyway he wanted. He could have spoken to him in a dream, It could have been a voice in the sky but no he chose a Burning Bush that didn’t burn. I think God said “I’m going to have fun with this guy” Why not? He wanted a relationship not an employee. Go on to chapter 4 God says to Moses drop your staff without telling him what was going to happen. He does, it becomes a serpent and MOSES RUNS. Tell me God wasn’t laughing at that. I would have split my sides. For the sake of time lets move to the New Testament. Matthew 8 They are in a boat Jesus is a sleep a storm comes that is so fierce they fear for their very lives they wake Jesus and he shakes his head (I think with a hidden smirk) then yells at the storm to stop. Tell me he and God weren’t giggling a bit at their reaction. Feeding of the five thousand Jesus could have just said at the beginning we’re going to feed them and this is how it’s going to play out. It would have been just as impressive but I think he wanted them to sweat a little. He wanted to blow their minds. Jesus walking on the water. When he sent his disciples away he could have told them I’ll catch up remember I’m God I don’t need a boat but no instead he walks up and they think he’s a ghost. I really imagine Jesus laughing all the way out to the boat anticipating their reaction. Here’s one of my favorites Matt 17 Jesus tells Peter to catch a fish and money will be in its mouth to pay the temple tax. Can you see Peter going to the Ocean shaking his head the whole way? Believe me there are many more examples. But there are also examples of Jesus sacrificing daily for others. There are examples of Jesus crying, eating with others, Teaching, Healing. The examples I’m thinking about are specific for his Disciples and close knit group of friends. They experienced it all! Others would experience one or two things but not the jokes, no explanation of his parables, not the intimate relational things they were reserved for specific people those who wanted more from him than a quick fix. Jesus could have come to this earth lived his life and died. He could have chosen 12 disciples and sat them down as students (Like I assume the Pharisees did) and said when I’m gone this is all up to you so pay attn. But he didn’t he developed a relationship with them. So much so that after his death they were lost and confused. If he were just a teacher they would have shrugged their shoulders and said oops guess we were wrong back to the boats and not been around to see his resurrection. Here’s my point To God we are more than just a number. Every person that accepts Christ and repents of their sins God has a personal vested interest in. Jesus knew what to do on a daily basis because he had a personal relationship with his Father and did nothing without first seeing his father do it John 5:19. The Disciples had a personal relationship with Jesus and did what they did because Jesus told them to do it even when it seemed far fetched. If I were Peter I never would have gone looking for that “Money Fish” if I didn’t already trust Jesus. So, Jesus had his Father, The disciples had Jesus and his Father, We have Jesus, His Father and The Holy Spirit. Now if that’s really the case then I have to ask. Why don’t we step out in faith more often when God says Give money to ______, or Go talk to _______, Quit your job and _________, Start a ministry for__________? The best I can figure is because we don’t REALLY trust him and we don’t really trust him because we aren’t doing our half of the work in getting to know him. We know it’s not the other way around. How do we do it? How do we do our part? Jesus had a different relationship with each of his disciples and I’m sure he does with each of us as well so I’m not going to answer that. All I’m going to say is Go to God and ask him. God how do we develop an intimate relationship with each other? You and I God? Then listen for the answer and do it even if it means “Going Fishing”.
It may not always be easy to follow his lead but the more we do the more we see him work, the more we see him work the better we know him, the better we know him the more we trust him, the more we trust him the easier to follow his lead. So what do you say why don’t we go out and ask God to blow our mind. Lets ask God to dinner, go for a walk, to reveal the meaning of his scriptures, to tell us a joke and to blow our minds. Lets invite him into an honest full fledged intimate relationship with him. Once we do I promise our lives will be turned “Upside Down”.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Southern Hospitality!
So, I spent Saturday night in Charleston SC. Even though I desperately wanted to I fought off the urge to go dancing (Don’t know how to do the Charleston anyway). But what I didn’t fight off was the desire to go to church Sunday Morning. I stumbled on a good ole Southern Baptist church. Lets remember tradition dies hard in the South. So I pull up and see all these people walking in wearing suits and dresses. I haven’t seen that in awhile and I knew I was in for a good old fashioned Baptist worship service complete with the hymnals. Believe it or not I was kinda looking forward to it. It’s been a long long time since I’ve been in a “Traditional Service”. I’m not going to spend any time talking about the actual service or the pluses and minuses of the style but what I want to talk about is what I observed before and after the service. I walk in about 15 to 20 minutes early and go find a seat. I feel slightly out of place since in my riding gear but I do feel a little better as the younger crowd begins to filter in (They are at least in slacks and a Button Down shirt instead of a suit.) People are all smiling and chatting with each other looking very happy to be there. Then I see one older gentleman walking up and down the aisle shaking everyone’s hand. Now I see another doing the same thing. The pastor is doing the same but slumbering a bit longer chatting with the people. A middle aged lady walks up to me (Mr. way out of place) and begins chatting. Then I see this stereotypical science teacher. Slacks and a sport coat (Tweed), White hair, bald up top long in the back, Handlebar mustache that blends into his mainly white Beard trimmed along the jaw line but very full beard in the middle (Just felt like detailing his look) Doing the same as the first men I saw but instead of just walking the aisle he is going to the middle of the pews as well literally walking from group to group shaking hands and laughing with each of them. I can say I have never seen such an active group. People were going out of their way to chat with each other not just stand and chat with a close friend. Growing up my church may have been like that. I know they were friendly and like family. Generation after generation grew up there so it was easier to “Be Friendly”. After church pretty much anyone that walked by me said hello and shook my hand. The lady that had spoken with me earlier introduced me to her husband and then invited me to their house for lunch (This happened once before when I was in college at another Baptist church). I walked into the church that morning feeling out of place but left feeling very welcomed. Honestly during the service I was bored, I spaced off during the choir can’t believe it but didn’t recognize the hymns and the sermon gave no new revelations. It was a solid salvation message complete with alter call. Now I’m not picking on the service. It is exactly what some need just not what I typically look for but if I were in Charleston again I would go back in a heartbeat. If I moved to Charleston I would check it out again. Why? Because of the display of love I saw. They made an underdressed stranger feel perfectly at home. I’ve had less people talk to me at my home church and it’s a pretty friendly church. Obviously I know nothing about these people. Maybe they all hop in their cars and begin to fight with each other. Maybe there is a problem with gossip I have no idea but what I do know is for the hour and fifteen minutes I was there (Somehow the pastor found mercy for 15 minutes :-.) ) I felt welcomed. I’ve been traveling for six months now going to churches every Sunday. Some I knew others not, some were proud of their openness to strangers they went so far as to brag about it. What’s ironic is those are the places I felt most unwelcome. Anytime I’ve traveled over the last few years I’ve tried to find a church to attend on Sunday the best I’ve ever gotten was people saying hi during the “Greeting time” and maybe one or two before or after the service.
If you haven’t already guessed it I am about to present a challenge to everyone reading this. “Grab hold of some good Ole’ Southern Hospitality!” Do you want to see guests return to your church? Do you want to see others come to know Christ? Do you want others to feel comfortable opening up to you? Then smile and shake a hand! It really is that simple. People want to feel welcomed and they want to feel loved give it to them and they’ll keep coming back. I was blown away as I watched a half dozen people befriend the majority. Can you imagine what would happen if someone walked into your church and they saw the majority doing it? Not to mention you may meet someone that’s been at the church for years. If you’re already doing this let me present one more challenge. Every time you meet someone new “Invite them to Lunch” You never know this one thing may turn your life and the life of your church “Upside Down”
Monday, March 15, 2010
Freely Give?
I have been thinking about today’s topic for quite some time. Actually a friend of mine and I have been chatting about it pretty much since my arrival in Houston 2.5 months ago. It’s become hard for me to let go of this one even though it fits with a conviction God gave me for the Upside Down Group months ago. My friend has had this conviction for awhile but since we’ve begun chatting it has grown ten fold in him. I want to be very careful as we dive into this one and today I’ll just be scratching the surface of it. It would be very easy to fall into legalism and we must remember in all things it boils down to a matter of the heart. But there is also the message it spreads and more so the hindrance of learning that makes this topic particularly dangerous. ENOUGH OF THE SET UP GET ON WITH IT LARRY! Ok, lets first dive into it by looking at scripture. Then I’ll give you my thoughts.
Matthew 10:7-10 (New King James Version)
7 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,[a] cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. 9 Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, 10 nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food.
John 2:13-19 (New King James Version)
13 Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. 15 When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables. 16 And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” 17 Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten[a] Me up.”[b]
18 So the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?”
19 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
John 13:14-15 (New King James Version)
14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.
John 13:34-35 (New King James Version)
34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 15:12-14 (New King James Version)
12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.
I’m not going to talk too much today. Just point out what I see then ask you your opinion. In Matthew 10 Jesus gives his disciples power then sends them out and tells them FREELY you have received FREELY Give. They went out with nothing other than clothes on their backs and power from God. They were told to give out freely not Heal for a fee, preach for a fee. In John 2 Jesus goes into the temple sees them selling in the courtyard gets upset makes a whip drives the people out and gently turns the tables upside down (More like throws everything around) (The following is a paraphrase from the book Fresh Wind Fresh Fire) They could have argued they were offering a service. They needed a sacrifice and couldn’t carry theirs all the way from where they lived. The problem is they were profiting exorbitantly from the service. John 13: 14-15 says follow my example “He served them” John 13: 34-35 He says Love as I have loved you. John 15 he says the same thing and ads No greater Love than to Lay your life down for your friends.
Looking at all of this my question is. Are we profiting from the Gospel when we should be freely sharing? God gave me a revelation let me write a book sell it, God gave me the gift of healing I’ll do it but charge an entry fee to the crusade. Are our “Christian Bookstores” any different than the money changers in the temple? How many people don’t have access to some incredible insights into scripture or into how to walk after God because they can’t afford the 20 to 50 dollar book? When we think of this the very fact that you have to “Buy” a bible is pretty disturbing.
My big argument has been “But a worker is worth his wages” and “But you have to cover your expenses” The worker is worth his wages that’s why I go back to What’s your heart saying? Why are you writing the book? I’m not going to try and find a formula to determine when someone has made too much or too little, when it’s good and when it’s bad that’s between them and God. But I am very very concerned when I see a ministry that someone desperately needs yet they can’t afford it. Here is a great example of what I’m talking about. (Please don’t think I’m knocking this ministry I think it’s doing a wonderful thing.) Have you ever noticed that nearly every time you go to a Christian Concert anymore “World Vision” is a sponsor. The artist takes some time out of his or her show to chat about what World Vision is doing and to encourage you to sponsor a child. Did you know that World Vision gives (I can’t remember how much) the Artist money according to the number of Children sponsored (Which is better than just paying the artist a blanket fee for sponsorship. It encourages them to push it harder.) Please hear me I’m not knocking specific Artists some need that sponsorship to survive as an artist. When an Artist is doing well and they know the tour is paid for along with a nice little profit. Aren’t they themselves taking money from the starving kids? God tells us to Love our neighbor as we love ourselves and to lay down our lives for a brother. If you were starving would you want someone to say I raised 1,000 to help you but I’m going to keep 100 of it for myself. If you were dieing would you want someone to say I have the cure but need to make a living so I’ll sell it to you. You can’t afford it I’m so sorry. Christ spoke to over 5,000 people in I assume all states of wealth then proceeded to feed them all for free. Whoops never mind I’m wrong he paid WITH HIS LIFE!
Until recently I’ve never even thought about this it’s the way the economy works. I’ll lay odds most haven’t. We wonder why we don’t see the Spirit work as much today. I wonder how much we would see him work if we said “God gave this for me to share freely I’ll trust him to provide.”
Ok, I spoke more than planned. That tangent thing kicks in and I forget how to shut up. Anyway, I want to hear your thoughts on the subject. How do we adjust even if we aren’t acting as a “Money Changer”? Here’s one thing I do. I finish reading a book I give it away. What are some of your idea’s. This goes far beyond selling “Freely give” what has God given you? How can you give of those blessings?
God bless all, Hope you have a wonderful week turned “Upsidedown”!
Monday, March 8, 2010
On your Knees! please?
One of the biggest breakthroughs I’ve ever had when it comes to studying the bible is the day I realized that the Old Testament points to the New. It doesn’t just talk about what’s going to happen in the New but the Very lives of his people told the story of what God was planning in Christ. His people the Jewish nation is meant to symbolize “US” Christ followers. Moses is symbolic of God, Aaron is symbolic of Christ. Once we understand this our eyes and hearts become open to understanding the Old Testament. With that in mind lets look at Exodus.
The Jewish nation grows so numerous that Pharaoh begins to fear them so he decides to enslave them so they wont have the chance to realize their power. He then puts them to work (forced labor). He beats them and overworks them so they fear him for one, and two are too tired to make babies. They do fear him but make lots of babies. Pharaoh fears their numbers even more so he has said babies killed.
TRANSLATION: Satan saw Adam and Eve and knew that they and their children would join with God and have power over him now he will not even have control of the lower regions. So he enslaved them and got them so busy focusing on their sin and their work that they had no time to focus on God himself and develop any kind of relationship with him. The more kids they had the more he caused them to focus on their own shortcomings and the work they had to do as a result of said shortcomings. Man still populated the earth and Satan still feared them so he sought to kill them (Spiritually by forcing them to focus on themselves rather than God)
Fast forward about 300 years Moses and Aaron come confront Pharaoh and free the slaves. They leave Egypt and wonder the wilderness for 40 years. Each time they encounter a problem or hardship they begin to desire a return to Egypt.
TRANSLATION: God and Jesus confront Satan and set us free from our bonds of Sin. Now as we spend/live our days we are constantly fighting the tug of returning to slavery because we fear the unknown in our current journey. God led them in a cloud by day and fire by night. We have the Holy Spirit. Now for today’s purposes lets stop right there.
The wilderness is the moment I want to focus on because that is where we are right now. We have been set free through Christ and are now Journeying to the Promised Land, Heaven Bound Baby! What happened while they were in the wilderness? They encountered a lack of water, no food, snakes, Pharaoh chasing them all sorts of nasty situations where they were forced to depend on God. Despite the clear leading of the spirit they always turned away and Moses constantly had to turn them back. They would have turned back to slavery if they could have. They longed for the safety of the Whip and chain. Even though they knew it meant certain destruction and total loss of freedom. In the desert they had total freedom and complete protection all they had to do was follow a fiery cloud.
Today as I look around this is exactly what I’m seeing and my heart hurts. I see brothers and sisters that have experienced the freedom and protection of Christ giving in to slavery because it’s easier it’s what they know. They’ve been set free but are putting the cuffs back on themselves. I see them living active sexual lives, giving into homosexuality, chasing after the dollar, positions of influence, liars, cheaters, drunkards, druggies. Most of them fought these temptations for years then just grew tired and gave in. Their brothers and sisters (Myself included here) were too busy fending for themselves to realize anyone else was struggling. We put on such an heir of righteousness or such a busy attitude that no one felt safe going to anyone else for help or support. Remember when Moses went onto MT Sinai and God gave him the 10 Commandments. He was gone for so long that Israel turned to Aaron and said “make us an Idle” They needed Moses to point them to God That cloud by day and fire at night wasn’t enough. Once they were set free Moses symbol was that of prophet (God spoke to him and he spoke to us) He was in Mt Sinai and Israel fell apart. After Christ died his Apostles stepped into that position pointing his family to God. Now I don’t have it altogether. I don’t have the answer to this question but who is pointing us to God now? Who has God called to stand in the place of the Apostles? You could say no one that’s why he gave us the Holy Spirit. They had that in the Desert and still needed Moses. They had the Holy Spirit after Christ but still needed the Apostles. God uses his people to point to him. He appointed Apostles, prophets, teachers… (1 Cor 12:28, Eph 4:11) Where today are those he has called to point us to him? We are Israel without a Judge! You may think I’m painting a pretty bleak picture here, you may think I’m being a little extreme but I ask. Where is his light? And the light shines in the darkness but the darkness does not comprehend it John 1:1. Yes that is out of context. But is it really? We know the light is Christ but we sure aren’t acting like we understand him. If we do we sure aren’t acting like we trust him. Who is going to take the mantle
My friends, as I said earlier my heart is breaking for these brothers and sisters that have given in and offered themselves back into slavery. And for those ready to turn back that don’t think they have the strength to fight anymore. (Lets not bring permanent salvation into this. That’s not what I’m talking about here.) This post today offers up no answers, no solutions just questions. I do offer an assignment though and that’s PRAY! First pray for forgiveness: That God forgive our casual attitude toward him, our unwillingness to trust him in ALL things. Second: Pray that he will give us those that point us to him. Those that live without compromise, that fearlessly call us to account. Lets not just pray for revival lets pray that we grow hearts sold out 110% dedicated to him, No compromise. So we can show the others that it is possible. That our God is indeed the 1 true God. Come on Gang lets spend this week on our knees. God has already given the call evidently those called are afraid of the call. Ask God to raise them up to cancel all fear. Ask God “Am I one that you are calling?” No it’s not presumptuous, it’s a question. Before you ask it make sure you’re willing to live with the answer. It may just turn your life Upsidedown.
Love you Gang!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Why do it?
I sit here tonight in a state of ??? I really don’t know what to call it. Hundreds of separate thoughts running through my mind but unable to lock in on anything. So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to give you a peek into my brain. Brace yourself, I have no idea what you are going to see, it may be ugly, it may be quite disturbing. If you understand it I would seek medical attn immediately as you don’t process like a normal individual.
This morning as I was sitting in church John 15: 12,13 once again popped into my brain. It wasn’t the pastors topic but what he was saying brought me back to this verse. “Love as I have loved you. No greater love has man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do as I command you.” Now I’ve said a few times that this means we are called to love greater than we love ourselves. Today I began to seriously ask “What does it mean to lay down our lives for our friends?” Well it means when a friend is in need we should set aside our own desires and our own self interest in exchange for theirs. This means a friend loses his or her job and can’t pay rent. We have money set aside to buy a new TV. We forget the TV and pay our friends rent. A brother breaks his leg and doesn’t have insurance because he just lost his job. We are strapped for cash but know we need to help our brother so we sell our _____ to help him out. Our sisters car breaks down she has no way to get to work so we set our alarm to get up one hr earlier everyday until she can get her car fixed and give her a ride even if she works on the other side of town. I think this is also what Paul is saying in Romans 12:1 when he says “… present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service (Other versions say spiritual act of worship) He goes on to talk about transforming our minds and seems to spend the rest of the book talking about “How to live the Christian Life” Last week I asked the question “How do we exhort daily? How do we develop a community with the lifestyle of confession and exhortation? We had one person respond (I loved her response) Basically she said “This is what we should do but will we? (I am paraphrasing pretty big) We are too concerned with looking good to others and it’s too easy to run to the church next door if we are held accountable. We should strive for this but is it really possible in today’s church?” She is absolutely right. I see few signs that it is possible in today’s church. This morning I’m thinking “This is how we get there.” By living as Christ said. If we sacrifice of ourselves for our brothers and sisters our community would become so tight knit that we wouldn’t run away when confronted. How beautiful! The problem is… That’s a pretty big IF most of us aren’t even willing to give up our daily coffee to help a friend let alone really sacrifice. I know I’ve not answered my phone because I knew the caller was going to ask me to help with something. How pitiful is that? Who cares if he has needed support every Tuesday for the last month and I’m tired of missing American Idol. What’s more important a brother or a talent competition? Now please don’t think that I’m trying to lay a guilt trip on anyone or that I’m sitting here down on myself for not being perfect. A guilt trip doesn’t work when we are all guilty of the same thing. WE ARE ALL SELFISH HUMAN BEINGS!! That’s a natural result of the fall. Eve eating that piece of fruit and Adam following suit. I can’t sit here and guilt anyone into action. Best case scenario would be a few of us say we will live this way. We dig in our feet and are really good at it for a month maybe two then we grow tired and move back to the way we were before. How many times have any of us heard a sermon and said “AMEN! I will begin living this way.” Then go to work on Monday and forget what was said on Sunday.
This is where I am. God reveals these incredible things to his people but we only half accept them or we sit back and say “That’s a perfect world scenario the church today is not perfect so it wont work” We are living in defeat and we haven’t even tried. We are settling for far less than God intended for us and there is nothing I can say or do to change that. There is nothing you can say or do either. But this isn’t what God wants. God is the most powerful being in this universe. God controls all/Created all. Nothing happens that he doesn’t allow. If he doesn’t want us to live like this than why does it seem impossible for us to do anything about it? Put simply it’s because we are believing a lie. A terrible idiotic lie from the scum of the earth. This scum can do nothing without Gods approval and we are sitting down here believing its lie. How do we defeat this liar? How do we get around our “Can’t” attitude and begin doing? How do we learn to set aside our own selfish desires and begin living sacrificially for each other? How do learn to ”Confess” confidently? How do we learn to “Exhort” each other daily? How do we finally break through and live the life that God has for us? How? How? HOW?
John 14:15-18 If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever. The spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him, but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans I will come to you.
John 14: 26 …The helper, the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name, he will teach you all things…
John 16: 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you; but if I depart I will send him to you.
We’ve been believing lies but “The Helper” is the spirit of truth. God has given us a helper. The Holy Spirit living in us. This makes it possible for us to recognize lies and move onto the truth. “But Larry, if we have the spirit living in us we should be recognizing it already.” Yep, we should. Here is what I would like to propose the problem is. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 “Do not quench the spirit” I think, (This is me, my opinion take it or leave it.) We have become so adept at quenching the spirit we don’t even recognize when he speaks anymore. Do you remember getting those tuggings that said “Go and talk to that guy you just passed?” or “I should turn off the tv and study my bible” how about “Call so and so and see how they are doing” to which we respond “As soon as the show is over” “I feel weird going up to a total stranger” “If I call them and everything is ok I’ll feel stupid” Our selfishness quenches those little tuggings. Then we grow confused at why “The Spirit” doesn’t listen to us when we ask him to heal a friend. Or provide a job for our brother. We’ve grown quite talented at calling on the Spirit according to our own terms not his. (This thinking seems kinda upside down yet we all do it) We are so good at quenching the helper God sent that we don’t recognize him anymore. So what do we do about it? How do we learn to recognize him and stop quenching him? Again my opinion take it or leave it but this is what I plan on doing. Go to God and repent. Tell God that you are sorry for ignoring him/ His Spirit. Then ask him to help you recognize his voice and tugging once again. Then whenever you hear or feel what you think may be the Holy Spirit. Stop and listen. 1 Thessalonians 5 after he says don’t quench he says to test the spirits. So ask, Holy Spirit is this you? Test it? Is it asking you to do something contrary to scripture? No! Then Do it? He hasn’t gotten tired of us ignoring him, packed up and gone. He is still in us. Ask him every day to give us a fresh filling. Ask him to give us the strength to follow his tugging. I think we may be a little more than surprised at how much we hear and how much our lives are changed. We may even begin to experience the Community God desires for us. That’s my thought what about you? Do you have any idea’s? I’d love to hear them.
As always lets live this week “Upside Down!”