Monday, May 3, 2010


As you no doubt have noticed Love has become the theme of our Blog Posts. Some may be thinking “When are you going to get over this and move on to something else?” The answer is… I don’t know! Maybe never. You see our goal is to help encourage others to live the life that Christ calls us to live out. At this point as far as I can see “Love” is the theme that runs through the bible. “Love the Lord your God with all your Heart Soul Mind and Strength” “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” “Love as I have loved you no greater love has man than this that he lay down his life for his friends” I challenge anyone to read through the New Testament and find one disciple that doesn’t emphasis the importance of Love. Since this is the most important emphasis is scripture it has become the most important thing for us to pursue as well. Now with that said I have to admit a bit of a little struggle I have. You see my understanding of Gods Love at the moment is growing like wildfire. The more I understand his love the more excited I am to live in it. The more I seek to live in it the more my understanding grows. The more my understanding grows the more confident I am in stepping out in faith and following what God is asking of me. My life at the moment is incredible. I love it! I love what God is doing and my biggest fear is that one day I’ll look back and ask “Why am I not trusting God like I did back then?” I have watched others move into this understanding of who God is and what he wants for us long before I moved into it. I saw it yearned for it and ultimately took steps to get it because I wanted what others had. Now I am so excited to be here and so excited to be growing that I want more than ever to bring others along for the ride. I want you (If you don’t already have it) to experience Gods Love. I want you to understand what it means to step out in faith and have God show up big time. I want you to wake up in the morning and ask God. “How are you going to show me your love today?” I want your heart to begin beating for others. I want you to be in love with the life that God has given you and to know beyond a doubt that it is God that has given it to you. I want you to understand without a doubt that this God the Creator of the Universe OUR CREATOR loves you. If you can even get a small understanding of this you will step into life without fear. You will take a chance. You will move into the life God has created you for. Because you will know that the one that controls EVERYTHING has your back. I want you to KNOW all this is true. I want it to move from your head to your HEART. A friend of mine calls that the “Holy spirit slide” I want you to understand all of this. BUT I DON’T KNOW HOW!!! So here is my question. How can I help you? What motivates and inspires?

Please don’t read this and think “Boy Larry is full of himself” I realize that many of you reading this have a better understanding of Gods Love than I do. I want you to kick in. Give your two cents worth to help motivate and inspire. We are all in process and it is our duty to lift each other up. Shoot one of the major reason I want to inspire others is so you can inspire me as well. That’s a selfishness I’m willing to admit. Please chime in. Has this blog inspired or motivated you in anyway? How? Have the weekly assignments or our Encouragement projects? What else can we do? Help a brother out here. I need you, I love you, I want the best for you and I want you to press and pull the best from me. If we learn to communicate openly, If we learn to act as a family we will turn this world “Upside Down”


  1. Larry, quoting the 2nd scripture you wrote, "Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself." Well sometimes I look at this scripture in reverse, saying I would never think of wanting it to be rewritten. But I think the reason we have problems with this, is that we have a hard time loving ourselves at times, which leads hard to loving anyone or anything else. Before we can love anyone or anything else, we have to be able to love God first of course, then Love ourselves, then love others. Because if we cannot love ourselves how are we going to be able to properly pass that love onto others, if this makes any sense at all.
    So, I love our God, and each day I practice telling myself, that I Love Me, and so then I can show and Love Others.
    Thank you for writing this!!!
    Mike H.

  2. My thoughts are inclined to believe that in order for me to love myself and others, I have to realize that I am in need of love. He set the example for us ("showed us how to love"), by laying down His life for us...thus, ultimate love is sacrifice and forgiveness? (And maybe with a dash of I Corinthians 13 to spice it up.) If I live my life with the mask of a seeker believing that I can be flawless and holy (as many of us in the Christian community do), then I miss that I need a Savior, and that I am in need of His love. I also miss the joy that comes from receiving His pure love, and inevitably miss the opportunity to share it with others. How can I share what I don't know? I think it all starts with a humble, seeking heart.

    PS. The opportunity to see God working in and through your life (and others) is how this blog inspires me!
