Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mondays Encourager

Hey Gang,
Here's an update on mondays Encourager. Mike & Rhonda (members of our Gang) planned the evening along with a couple more of her friends. Everyone met at Mi Mexico to celebrate Shannon. Mike took all of the notes sent in and put them together along with some nice photo's in an album and presented it to Shannon. It looked like she had a very nice turnout of family and friends and was clearly enjoying herself. I would say it is a very safe assumption that she felt loved and appreciated. The timing could not have been better as a close family friend had just passed away (God knows what he is doing doesn't he). As for the groups involvement we had one person send in a note of encouragement (That didn't know her) and only the couple people that knew her showed up at Mi Mexico. What I have heard about Shannon and knowing the situation with the death in the family I believe Shannon got just what she needed and the extra people may have become slightly overwhelming. 

I don't point that out to guilt anyone. I only point it out so we don't assume that someone else will stand in the gap. It goes that way with anything that God has placed on your heart. Have you ever thought "I should", or "It would be great if" and then said to yourself "I don't have the time" or "Someone else could do it better than I". Let me challenge you with this. If God has placed it on your heart "NOONE" can do it better than you. If God has placed it on your heart he will make sure you have the time. From now on lets make it a point to say In this life "I WILL" do whatever God places on my heart. Making this statement will also set you free from any attempts at guilt that may come your way. If "The Upside Down Group" says here's a project to take part in and Gods not tugging at your heart to participate "Don't do it" If someone is down and out and Gods not tugging at your heart to give or help "Then Don't". God is getting someone else to stand in that gap. But when you do experience that tug Run, Do not pass go, Head straight to the opportunity and do it with joy. You may not even feel the joy when you begin but I guarantee "YOU WILL" feel the joy when you're done.

Here's to turing this world "Upside Down"

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