Monday, December 21, 2009

Wandering in the wilderness. (wave your hands around and turn in a circle)

Hello friends, Do you remember what it felt like that first time you sat in the drivers seat of a car? The excitement, the anticipation, maybe a little bit of adrenaline. Some of you were incredibly nervous, some I assume were pretty calm. A few of you had paid close attention to your parents when they drove. You got behind the wheel and needed little instruction. Others didn’t pay attn or only noticed a part of what your parents were doing when they drove. You got behind the wheel and it seemed as if you couldn’t do anything right. All of us once we began driving saw the world from a whole new light. We noticed signs we had never seen before. We saw driveways as a place cars could come from instead of a space of cement we could ride our bikes on. The colors of a stop light actually began talking to us instead of just flashing. None of us could have taken a car that first time and driven across town or entered the freeway safely without our parents or instructor sitting beside us guiding the way. Most of us had to drive on empty roads a few days before we were allowed anywhere near any semblance of traffic. (Whether that was a paternal or financial instinct on the part of our parents is up for debate.) Time passes and finally we’ve learned and developed enough to drive solo. After a set time of training and testing the U.S. Department of Transportation finally said we could drive on our own. But they gave us limits. There are still certain types of vehicles we are not allowed to drive without further training and testing. We are not allowed to teach until we reach a certain age of accountability. It would seem crazy for us to just hand the keys to our car over to someone that has never driven. Actually it would be illegal and when they do get in an accident your insurance company will refuse to pay the claim.

What else in life do we need training in before we can do it on our own? Riding a bike, 12 years of school, vocational training, college, Go to court and a judge will strongly advice against defending yourself, shoot even our parents teach us to eat, how to safely cross the road, and protect us from strangers. We are guided along in almost every aspect of our life. Sometimes in a one to one basis, sometimes a large group setting, and others a small group. One thing is sure, one to one is always the best and brings about the quickest and more substantial growth.

If we recognize the importance of training just to operate normally in life why is it not emphasized in the church? In life we are born and have parents to feed, diaper and burp us. They teach us to walk and right from wrong. Then once we reach a certain age we go off to school but even then we bring home assignments that our parents help us with. We see our classmates doing things and we ask our parents about it when we get home. In church we are born and sent right off to College (If we’re lucky) More often it’s “Congrats welcome to the family here’s a book to read I’ll see you at church on Sunday… Oh and I recommend joining a home group as well.” The thinking is ludicrous where’s the logic? There is none. Even in College after four (or so) years of training we go through an internship. Maybe I’m wrong let’s check and see if the bible treats new believers the way we do. Take a minute to look for examples. I’ll wait…

Nope can’t find anything that fits our model. Let me know if you did. Here’s what I did find. In Deuteronomy I see Moses raising up Joshua, Go to Judges and it looks as if Joshua hadn’t mentored anyone. He died and those who served with him died and Israel began to falter. The entire book of Judges is a testament to what happens when “The Judge” doesn’t raise up a mentor. Judge alive Israel prospers, Judge dies Israel wanders. (move your hands about wildy and turn in a circle. That’s my tribute to my churches summer series.) Ok lets continue. Ruth has Naomi and gets written into the family line of God (Hmmm) Samuel had Eli (Look at Eli’s kids good sign that perhaps our parents should not be our “only” spiritual mentor) Elisha had Elijah and he got a double anointing. Lets move to the New Testament. Jesus took on 12 personally yet at one moment he sent out 70 (Luke 10: 1-12) Saul/Paul was picked up by Ananias, and spent “Time” with “the disciples” then had Barnabas, From there it kinda goes crazy and I haven’t studied enough to say who discipled who. Clearly Timothy had Paul. I could name some more but I think you get the point. Can I also say that this is the time the church was exploding even through immense persecution. I don’t believe that is a coincidence. Remember what happened after Joshua died and how Israel acted while between Judges.

If mentoring is so prominent in the bible and the effects are so obvious why are we not emphasizing its importance today? Why are we not mentoring? As far as I can see it’s one of three reasons or a combination. 1. We don’t fully recognize its need or importance. 2. We don’t think we have anything to offer. 3. We are too lazy.

If you do not yet recognize the importance let give you one more observation. Israel without Joshua or any of the other Judges lived according to their own understanding and the family fell apart. Today the church in our country has few mentors and it is hurting desperately seeking to have a voice and without its voice look at what is happening to our country. We have no mentor no one pointing us toward the things of God so we’re making it up. Doing what seems right. (“Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” Judges 21:25)

Ok, number one is out of the way. Lets attack number 2. Saul/Paul was preaching right away. Jesus Disciples were only with him for 3 years. Unless you were born yesterday there is always someone younger than you. But lets hit it for the cautious individual because I know a few of you just cringed a little bit. Mentoring doesn’t claim you know it all it just says you want to help guide. You know the importance of mentoring so you know that you need one as well. If you think you’re too young “find a mentor”. If you have a mentor then you’re not too young. Someone you are mentoring asks you a question and you don’t know the answer. You go to your mentor if he doesn’t know he goes to his. There! You’re not to young because you have back up. Number two is taken care of. Now the last excuse #3 I’m too lazy. GET OVER YOURSELF! Ok all of the excuses are taken care of. Now it’s time to go and find a “mentee”. Ask your pastor if he knows of anyone, maybe a kid in the church or a new believer. If he doesn’t know keep asking. Pray into it. God will lead you to the right person. If you need a mentor follow the same process. Is there someone you look up to? Ask them.

Shoot! I just realized it’s almost Christmas and I should have written about the season in some way and Gods gift to mankind. Ok, I’ll do it now. Gods gift to mankind (Jesus) did two things for us. He offered us salvation through his death on the cross and he MENTORED US!!! Why don’t you give a gift of yourself to someone this Christmas? Offer yourself as a mentor! Now it’s a Christmas message.

Merry Christmas everyone, Hey I have an idea lets do Christmas “UPSIDE DOWN”

Monday, December 14, 2009

No, I'm not over it yet!

If you read last weeks blog post you know that I was slightly upset by an encounter I had with another group of people that called themselves believers of Christ. I was upset on a number of levels. 1. I was upset by the natural reaction they had to us and the “Assumption” that we had bought a lie and needed witnessed too. 2. I was upset at the reaction of those I was with. “These guys were suffering from a spirit of Religion and they needed set free.” 3. I was upset at my reaction. “I have begun to move beyond that shallow thinking why can’t you?” Now let me ask you. Which of these reactions was the one that brought honor to God? .... I am going to assume you answered “None of the above” because I’m not sure any other answer can be justified. No, I’m not still kicking myself for my response and no I’m not mad at the others for the way they responded but I still have to say no I’m not over it yet. Yes, I’m over the frustration, yes I’m over the anger. But I’m not over the lesson that we should take home. I hope I never get over that. It is my goal to take the lessons learned from life’s observations & screw up’s and use them to grow. If not what good are they?

So what did I learn? What am I going to do with this information. 1. I’ve learned (or relearned) that there is a definite spirit of division in the church today. 2. I recognized that I am not above it. 3. It is important to fight against this spirit so it doesn’t over come us. So what are you going to do about it Larry? I’m glad you asked.

First: I am committing myself to never argue with a stranger about Christ. I am a firm believer that arguing doesn’t lead anyone to Christ. This doesn’t mean I wont discuss Christ and my belief or listen to others opinions but I will not let it move into an argument. Arguments only create ill will.

Second: I will do as we discussed the last couple weeks and “Test the spirits” This means that as I meet new people before we get into any discussion on religion I will ask them about their faith in Christ. If they are a believer in Jesus Christ and have accepted him as savior I will seek to find more common ground. Even if I recognize uncommon ground first I will skip that and continue to seek for common ground. No this does not mean that I will always ignore differences it only means that I want them to know that I recognize and respect them as a brother over our differences. If they are not a believer in Christ I will still seek to find common ground over attacking their unbelief. This way they know that I care for them either way and my desire to show them Christ comes from a caring for them not some religious fervor.

Any other steps will be determined according to the type of friendship that is developed. Do I expect to ever see them again? Are we working together daily, once a week, once a month?

If it is not a person I am meeting but an organization of some sort I will follow the same steps. I will not assume that a church follows Christ, I will not assume that a non-profit (even a religious one) follows Christ, I will not assume that someone I meet at church follows Christ. I will not assume because of their background or denomination that they do not follow Christ. No more assumptions and if I meet someone that is making assumptions I will be sure they realize that they are just that “Assumptions”

My friends we are in a war with a very cunning enemy. This enemy wants more than anything to divide our ranks. We cannot allow this to happen. We must put in the system “checks and balances” to ensure this does not happen. I have told you what mine are. As I progress in this life I may find a weakness in these checks and make a few adjustments. You can choose to follow these as well if you would like or you can come up with your own. But I challenge you to do it. Not only in this area but in other areas of your life as well. How do you check your growth in Christ? How do you know you are getting the best training possible? What about your fellow warriors brothers and sisters in Christ?

The good news is WE ARE ON THE WINNING TEAM! But there are still battles to be fought. Are you prepared to withstand the attack? Are you ready to go into battle? The enemy screwed up last week and revealed a weakness lets seal it and go out in one accord.

Have a great week Gang. As always lets “Live it Upside Down”

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sad or Mad? I think both!

This is not what I was planning on writing today and who knows maybe I shouldn’t since I haven’t had time to process yet. But it is what is on my mind and there is no way I would be able to recall my previous plans if I tried as this is so fresh and heavy on my heart. There is a spirit that is hiding itself in the church a very cunning and evil spirit that I think is causing more damage to Gods Kingdom here on Earth than perhaps any other and it reared its face today in a powerful way. Let me tell you it is UGLY! It is SLY! And it must be STOPPED! This thing is so sly that as soon as I tell you what it is you’re going to say “Oh I recognized that years ago” ME TOO! I’ve heard sermons about it. You would think It’s on the run because I’ve heard so many speak against it. Instead somehow it has dug it’s claws so deep into us that we don’t even recognize it anymore. I’m not even sure what to call it. It may be two spirits working in tandem I don’t know But we need to recognize its lies and stomp them the second they arrive. For now I’m going to give it two different names The spirit of “Division” and The Spirit of “Superiority”

Let me start by first saying there is just one church. That is GODS CHURCH! For those that may think I’m naming a specific denomination I’M NOT! If you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, Born of the virgin Mary, Crucified for our sins and raised from the dead three days later. If you believe that this Jesus is the ONLY way to God and have accepted his gift of salvation than you belong to “GODS CHURCH” Let me also throw in the Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit all wrapped in one. I don’t mean this as an after thought Just realized I shouldn’t assume that everyone thinks it’s a given. (Even though it is). For some reason it’s almost as if (Though no one will admit they believe this way) We have multiple religions that almost believe the same way. LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE!!! Did I say that enough? LIE! First let me say that I don’t believe God ever desired for us to be divided into multiple denominations. Show me an example from scripture I don’t think it’s possible. (That is the first sign that Satan is at work) I’ve heard it justified over the years by saying “I just have a different way I like to worship so I go here”, or “They just relate to God in a different way”. What a load of crap. Some now may choose a church for those reasons but that is not why we have so many different types of churches. Honestly I don’t know how all the different churches came to be. Each one has it’s own story and there-in lies the root of the problem. “I have an understanding of God that is different than the current churches so I’ll begin my own thing”. I’m beginning to dive into uncharted waters (As in I haven’t studied how each church came to be.) so I’ll stop there and move on.

No matter how each church came to be there seems to be an underlying lie that accompanied it. “I know something of God that you can’t grasp so I’m moving on” or “I know God better than you do so I’m moving on” (PLEASE AS WE MOVE ON REALIZE I AM NOT TALKING EVERY PERSON, EVERY CHURCH. IF THIS ISN’T YOU PRAISE GOD)

God has given each and everyone of us special giftings, talents, and understandings of who he is. I assume he has done that because there are many different types of people in the world and he wants his people to be able to relate to all of them so they might come to him. But what seems to have happened is 1. God moves in a new way 2. The church doesn’t know what to think of it 3. A new denomination is born wrapped around that experience. 4. An underlying I’m better than you vibe begins to grow in the new church. 5. The old church prays for the new church because this move can’t be from God it must be a lie.

Let me tell you what happened today that has me so upset. Since I’m on a road trip and don’t really have a home I participated as an outsider which is probably why I saw the beast with-in (So to speak). For those that don’t know I am currently visiting Bethel Church in Redding, CA (If you don’t know Bethel check it out God is doing some pretty cool stuff) I was out with a couple people from Bethel (On what is called a treasure Hunt) We began speaking with some guys from a local bible college (We were at the campus) They instantly knew where we were from and went into “Witnessing mode” (Now please don’t think I’m going to rag on them alone stick with me) It was clear that somewhere along the line they had a discussion about the beliefs of Bethel and why they were wrong and the (Bethel) congregation was buying a lie. Now I’ve heard this before so I’m not too terribly surprised. But what surprises me is the mode that EVERYONE kicked into. Both groups begin arguing their points. I would like to say discussing their positions so we could leave with a mutual understanding of the others position and leave agreeing to research in scripture what the other had to say and then prayerfully go to God for his guidance and wisdom. But that would imply that we were listening to each other. One of the people I was with I saw her stance change and her kick into “It’s on! mode” The guys were more laid back with a smirk on their faces like “This is going to be fun” I must admit I had that thought as well. I loves me a good debate it challenges me to think. Many of you could guess what the debate was about but that’s not the important part. I don’t even want you to assume you know where I stood because you’d probably be wrong (It isn’t that obvious) We get into the discussion and after awhile I begin to hear others repeating to me things I said clear at the beginning but it was as if was their thought or idea. That makes me take a step back and watch others a bit closer. I can see it in their eyes. Nobody is listening to the other instead they are listening for the opportunity to make their next point. The two viewpoints 1. They are suffering from a spirit of religion. 2. They have bought a lie. 1. I must set them free 2. I must not buy into the lie

Anyway we finish gather in a group like a nice “Christian Family” and pray one person from each side. Yep you guessed it the prayers are like closing arguments instead of prayers. (A whole different topic) We hop in the car and instantly “Can you believe this, how about that?, and what about that prayer oh my” all along I am picturing them doing the same thing at the school. It is so sad because we all have something to offer each other me to you and you to me. I’m not going to type it all out here but read 1 Corinthians 12 ALL OF IT. We all have differing gifts and they are to work together to make one body.

One of the people I was chatting with today. My heart so reaches out to him. I don’t know what happened in his life or in a friends life but I could see it in his eyes. “I can’t open up in this way I don’t want to be sold another lie” This is why I go back to last weeks blog topic but ad a new verse 1 Corinthians 12: 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the holy spirit. Don’t be so afraid of buying a lie that you accept the truth. On the flip side another person was so convinced that they were 100% correct that they wouldn’t have heard it if anyone did correctly reveal where they were wrong.

My friends we are the body of Christ and Satan wants desperately to keep us divided. We must fight against that division. We must take the time to recognize our differences not as lies or a failure to grow but as an opportunity to join together for one purpose. “To show the world the Love of God” and in so doing we might just might glean a little bit of light from each other as well. John 17: 20 – 21 I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in me, and I in you; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me,

Ok gang that was another long one. Hopefully it was direct enough to follow without too many wonderings. Have a great week and as always lets “Live it upside down”

Monday, November 30, 2009

Has God gone crazy or have I?

Hello Gang, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. There certainly is a lot to be Thankful for. I myself could go on about all God has done for me this year. Set me free from a career that was holding me back from experiencing him in so many ways. Has continued to provide financially from that time (Mid April) till now. Has given me the road trip of a life time, helped me to grow in understanding and faith by leaps and bounds, Still have more about him to learn than I’ve learned (Life would be boring otherwise right.), Incredible friends, and much much more. Ahh but that is a side point to what I have to chat about today. Today I want to talk about my absolute favorite topic in the whole wide world “ME!” ;-). Ok, I hope that’s not true. But I am going to talk about myself for a moment anyway and hopefully that will lead to what I really hope to say.

As I’ve grown up over the years I have had many different viewpoints of God and the type of relationship one should have with him. I remember as a little kid I was very open to God and what others had to say about him. I would go to church listen to my teacher and go home talking about what I had learned that day. I would have a question about God and I would ask my parents or a teacher at church. They would answer and I would trust that answer. As I grew older I probably like most teenagers began to question. My teachers would say something and if it didn’t make sense to me I would challenge them. They would explain what they were saying and I would continue the challenge. I’m not sure I remember my teachers ever really winning a debate with me. Class would let out and the discussion would end never to be brought up again or one of us would see the other wasn’t going to change and would just end the discussion (Usually it would be me) In college even though my teachers in High school had never convinced me I decided that they were correct and it just took a step of faith to believe them and live that way. God would bless it even if I didn’t understand. I remember watching someone in church one day raise their hands as they were worshiping. Rather than asking her why she did that I looked at my experience and belief in God and decided that the only logical reason she was doing this was to draw attention to herself. I think I was in high school at the time. I never mentioned this thought to anyone. Didn’t even take much time to think about it. I just looked at her and came to an instant judgment. A few years later I go to a church that’s a completely different denomination and I see most everyone lifting their hands not only that but I think I remember seeing people dancing in worship. The church also has a full band leading worship. Suddenly I realize maybe there is more to this God thing than I realized. For the first time since High school I begin to ask questions. I spoke with people about why they worshiped that way and instead of judging I tried it out I found I was able to connect with God easier If I hadn’t judged that person years earlier maybe I would have experienced God in worship sooner. But no I had my God in a box and I was keeping him there. Fast forward a little bit about 5 - 10 years. My view on God has changed a lot. I now believe that my mind has opened to who God is. I still have a bit to learn but have now let my God out of his box. I step into a church for the first time and someone comes up to me and asks “Are ya ready?” That should have been a cue. Worship begins people begin running up and down the aisles, falling on the floor in convulsions, I hear these voices beside me that are not speaking in any form of intelligible language. It is CRAZY! As soon as that service was over I was out of there never to go back. I didn’t give it a chance. I didn’t ask any questions. I was just gone. Since then I have heard the reasons behind quite a bit of what I experienced that day. Some I agree with some I’m not so sure. But I can’t tell you if this was a good church or not because I ran. You see I had given God a bigger box but he was still in a box. In my mind that church was all about emotionalism and not God. Maybe I was right maybe I was wrong but that is between them and God. Many other things have happened over the years some I have embraced others I haven’t. I’ve experienced others praying for healing and dismissed it with a God doesn’t work that way anymore. I’ve heard people say “God told me” and dismissed it with “That’s an easy excuse” or “God doesn’t talk to us like that he uses the bible” box, Box, BOX, Guess what… God talks to me. Ya know what else. I think it was 3 years ago I sat in a church as this young healthy woman STOOD in front of the church and talked about how she was in a wheel chair the day before. In the past week I have sat in a church service and the watched a woman sitting beside me get healed of a Degenerative jaw disorder. How do I know? Simple, she had pain before the prayer and no pain after. I watched as a woman’s leg grew two inches (Really her hips went back into alignment) and I’ve heard numerous testimonies of healings. But Larry these could just be emotional healings are they still healed a week later? I haven’t seen them so I don’t know but my money is on YES! Let me tell you of something else. I was sitting in a prayer room last Saturday someone stood and said “There is someone here that has problems with your left ankle.” As some of you know 10 years ago I fell 17 or 18 feet off of a latter. I shattered the left heel of my foot. Praise God my Ankle bone after it broke was long enough to still use and I didn’t have to have it fused together. But, I have only had about half the normal range of motion and the pad of my foot just under my toes has remained numb. I am not going to complain and have always been thankful that this is all. I can still do everything I could before. My ankle is just very sore after and I limp until the muscles can stretch out. Someone prayed for me two and a half days ago. She prayed and after I moved my Ankle back and forth. As I said before it was only about 50% range of motion. As I move it to point I can’t say it’s 100% but it is at least 90% I can barely tell a difference between the two. She prays again and I can feel a flushing coming through my foot I have feeling on the pad of my foot that I haven’t felt in 10 years. GOD DOES HEAL TODAY!!! (No pun intended) I wish I could say it was 100% but I can say I have continued to have feeling in my foot that I haven’t had before. I believe it is still healing. On Saturday November 28th God restarted the heeling process that had previously stopped. I believe at some point I will suddenly realize it’s 100% But even if it isn’t. I am happy. I’m better than I was and I didn’t even ask for it. Now you may have a whole bunch of why’s coming to mind. Stop right there! I don’t have the answers and I don’t think we will until the day we are face to face with him (Then we wont care) Rather than asking why not? Lets just praise him for the current miracles. But that’s not my point. Here is my point (If ya haven’t already figured it out). We all have God in a box it’s just a matter of human nature. Granted some boxes are larger than others. Remember my very first experience as a little kid? I asked and I accepted the answer. Remember my next stage (The High school kid) I challenged my teachers. I want to challenge you to take the two stages and combine them. If you see or hear something of God that is just too crazy for you to accept be open to it as a child. But don’t forget that we are warned to “Test the spirits” 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-22 Do not quench the spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast to what is good, abstain from every form of evil. But how do we test the spirit? 1 John 4: 1 – 3 Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God… So are we supposed to ask every leader their belief and where in scripture they support what they are doing? Why not? Also look at the atmosphere around you. Is God being glorified in what’s happening? Are there examples of this in scripture? If it is in scripture and you are questioning it perhaps your God is in a box. I’ve seen people stumbling as if they were drunk claiming they were drunk in the spirit. Acts 2:13 Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine” combine that with Ephesians 5:18 and do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the holy spirit. And you have a pretty good argument for it. Just because I haven’t experienced it doesn’t make it wrong. But it sure looks like they are putting on a show plying for attn. Maybe but that is between them and God. Scripture supports it even if it’s not what I picture when I read it. In these cases it’s time to pray. “God I don’t understand this and I don’t know what I think about it but I don’t want to miss out on any aspect of you because of my ignorance. If this is something that will draw me closer to you then BRING IT ON!” God meets you where you are, where you are willing to be, and where you need to be. Lets break those boxes open and see “Who” God really is.

Thanks Gang, Hope you are having a great week and once again “Lets live it upside down.”

Oh yeah, The God I knew a year or two ago would have kept me working my job and not trusting him to provide. He never would have given me this trip as a gift, and since it wasn’t life or death wouldn’t have done a thing with my ankle and foot. Is your God holding you back? Then either he’s too small of a God or your not setting him free to work.

Monday, November 16, 2009

King of Distractions

Being a person that has to the most part made his living in entertainment I know a thing or two about the wonderful art of “distraction”. Magicians use this to accomplish a trick. A slight of hand magician will find a way to get you to look one direction while he hides his “Magic Coin” somewhere else. You know what he’s doing and insist that you wont let him distract you yet he still does. Actually a good magician will use that against you. I have a magician friend that uses that as a part of his shtick. He will tell you exactly how he does the trick and insist he can still fool you every time “He does” An Illusionist uses the same technique except he employs the use of mirrors and lights so you think you’re looking at one thing when you are really looking somewhere else. A good haunted house will trick you into looking at one thing while the scare comes from somewhere else. “Distraction” you insist you won’t be yet it gets you every time.

I want to tell you about someone else that is great at the art of distraction. Actually I don’t think anyone is better. You know what he’s doing yet somehow he fools you into looking anyway. I think you can probably guess where I’m going. The one I’m talking about is non other than Satan himself. As mentioned before some of his techniques are pretty in your face. Gossip is a good one, An argument as you walk into church, Singles how about those times you notice a cute guy or girl as you’re walking into church? You get the idea. Others are a little more subtle. These are the tactics that take your focus of off God. For example: Each time we sin Satan is pretty good at getting us to focus on the sin and trying to overcome it instead of focusing more intently on God. He even distracts from that distraction with thoughts that say… “I’ll never be able to beat this” “Why do I even try” or We go to read our bible and think of something we have to do first (It’ll just take a sec) It’s one of his more subtle distractions that I want to talk about. I personally think it’s one of his better distractions but only one he employs after the other distractions have become less effective.

I’m not sure what to call this distraction so I’ll just use one of the sentences he may whisper in your ear. “Wouldn’t it be great to receive the spiritual gift of ___________ (Tongues, prophecy, healing, helps, etc…) You see Satan’s ultimate goal is to get our focus off of God himself and onto ANYTHING ELSE. What’s wrong with pursuing these gifts? Absolutely nothing! It’s just not the prime focus God wants us to have. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 “Though I speak with tongues of men and of Angels, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love it profits me nothing.” Speaking in tongues could possibly be known as incantations as well. Prophets today could also be called “fortune tellers” I’ve known more than just Christians that volunteer at homeless shelters. I’m going to be so bold as to say that none of these people have “Love”. Oh, Larry you’ve done it now. Are you saying that only Christians can love others? No I’m not. I’m saying that there are a ton of Christians that do this without love as well. I’m saying that Satan has so distracted us that we don’t even know what love is anymore. We look at love like it’s some inanimate object. Lets continue 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 (The first part of 8) Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek to own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (The rest of the chapter goes on to speak of what does fail.) I don’t know about you but this description does not sound “Inanimate” to me. It sounds like love is a living, breathing thing. We are told to pursue this living, breathing thing above all else. “Wait a minute this is beginning to sound familiar.” I certainly hope so! Who else do we know that carries all these attributes that we are suppose to pursue above all else. Hmm, lets go to 1 John 4:7-8 (Actually just read all of 1 John it’s a great book) “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, FOR GOD IS LOVE.” This is no big surprise of course we are to pursue God above all else. If that’s the case and we know it why do we pursue these other things first? My thoughts, because when we hear pursue God we don’t truly know who God is or how to do that so we are tricked into pursuing what we see instead (The Gifts). If that’s the case let me throw out another suggestion. Actually I’ll just throw Paul’s suggestion at you. PURSUE LOVE! In so doing we are pursuing God. What does that look like? Lets figure it out together. Here is where I’m going to begin at least. Remember those WWJD Bracelets (What would Jesus Do)? I’m going to try and follow that model but instead it will be “What would Love do?” When I’m faced with a choice I’m going to ask “What would love do?” and then try to do it. But then ask another question. How did I feel about doing it? If I’m more begrudging than loving I will ask one more question. “God help me to become you in this area of my life.” You see living this way will help us to recognize where we are close to God and where we are clinging on to ourselves. That knowledge will help us to pursue love and in so doing pursue God who is love

Alright Gang, sorry to be so long on this one. Hopefully it was worth your while. Have a great week and as always lets “Live it Upside Down”

Monday, November 9, 2009

What is your Egypt?


What is your Egypt? (The first half is a repost of an earlier blog please read this and the comments after then you will understand why I felt the need to repost.)

Ok, I felt the need to share this with you. I am sitting here this morning thinking. "Here we go my first day of unemployment" Then I thought "Wait I'm not unemployed I have a task so what should I call it?" Then I thought MY FIRST DAY OF FREEDOM! "I hope I don't go running back to slavery" It's clear God was leading me to the old testament his children Israel. As they were roaming through the desert every time a struggle or trial would come along they would start complaining to Moses. "It would have been better to stay in Egypt (In slavery) but now you have led us into the desert to die." How often are we on the verge of being set free only to run back to Egypt before giving God a chance to show up? I know I have quite a few times over the years and now that God has given me another chance to escape I pray that I don't run back out of fear.

I feel I must ask. What is your Egypt? I'm not saying it needs to be as extreme as leaving your job. But what is it that is holding you in bondage, afraid to break free? Has God given you the opportunity to escape only to run back for fear of what lies ahead? I pray that God gives each of us the strength to break free and the courage to live in that freedom.

The above post came after reading through the book of “Exodus” and the thoughts it prompted. It is what Israel was dealing with as they were wandering through the desert looking for the “Promised Land” Now I have just finished reading through “Isaiah” and it has been over seven hundred years since entering the promised land. What could the two possibly have in common with 700 + years separating them? While in Egypt they saw God bring plagues, famine, and death to Egypt to entice Pharaoh into letting them go. While wondering through the desert God led them with a cloud by day and fire by night. He gave them Manna daily, parted the Red sea, Water from a rock, etc… Yet each time something went wrong they wanted to go back to Egypt, back under pharaoh’s protection back into slavery. Despite everything they saw God do for them “They trusted Pharaoh more than they trusted God.” Now lets fast forward a few years they have now taken control of the promised land (I wont even go into all God did for this to happen.) They have made it through the time of Judges (Again God showed up big time with each and every Judge) and into the time of Kings. Lets sit and camp on David’s reign for a while shall we. During this period David killed a giant with a slingshot, Jonathon (Saul’s son) and his Armor Bearer killed an entire division of Philistines (Both before David became king) In David’s army we have “The mighty men of David” (2 Samuel 23: 8-37) Josheb-Basshebeth who killed 800 men at one time, Eleazar who attacked the Philistines by himself and won, Shammah who defended a field against the Philistines and won, Abishai who killed 300 men at once, the list goes on. Certainly these men were skilled men of war but there is no way they could have accomplished any of this without God on their side. God has a history of proving himself to Israel. Lets move on to Isaiah 30: 1-3 “Woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord, who take counsel but not of me, and who devise plans but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin (Here it comes) Who walk to go down to Egypt, and have not asked my advice, To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, And to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore the strength of Pharaoh shall be your shame, And trust in the shadow of Egypt shall be your humiliation.” Do you see that? They are depending on Egypt for protection. Not God who has proven himself time and time again but on Egypt the country that held them in slavery. Did you know that while Pharaoh had given Solomon his Daughter in marriage he was also sheltering two of his enemies (1 Kings 11: 14- 25) Edad, Pharaoh gave him his Sister in Law as a wife. And (1 Kings 11: 40) Jeroboam. It seems ridiculous when you read it. EGYPT!! Israel is depending on EGYPT!! The country that has been a thorn in their side from the beginning. EGYPT is their chosen protector over GOD who had proven himself. Why? What is it that continually brings them back to Egypt? Egypt was a “Super power” The obvious power house of the region so when you look with your eye’s it only makes sense. But God gave them something else to view their world with. He gave them his “Covenant” and he gave them prophets to remind them of the covenant and the consequences of ignoring it. Yet it seemed easier to chose Pharaoh. I think it was because Pharaoh didn’t ask anything other than money. God asked for their lives. We can see the consequences of that choice. Later on Egypt was destroyed and Israel was brought into slavery.

So I must ask once again “What is your Egypt? Despite God showing his love to you time and time again what is it you find yourself running to continually for protection, provision, comfort instead of God? Is it your job? Maybe parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, mate, savings account, Intelligence? What is it? We all have an Egypt in our lives! It’s time to identify it and ask God to move in and PERMANENTLY replace it. Israel couldn’t seem to do it. But we have something they didn’t. We have Gods ultimate proof of love, provision and protection in his son Jesus Christ who came to this earth his death offered up a permanent shield against Egypt will you chose to use it?

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Freaks and Gawkers"

Ok, so I’m walking down the boardwalk of Venice beach the other day and enjoying the sites (people watching). For those of you that don’t know anything about Venice beach it’s pretty much a no holds barred area that hosts vendors all along the boardwalk. Some very established with their own storefront, some just a table and chair, while others walk around hocking what they’ve got. It’s also a great place to catch some pretty cool street performers, dancers, singers wrappers, glass walkers, etc… Mix that with professional panhandlers that even have their begging down to a science (For example: The man wearing wine bottle sunglasses holding a sign that says “worlds greatest wino”, or the group holding a sign that says “Help keep grass on the boardwalk donate now”) Combine all of that with “Muscle Beach” and you have Venice beach. Of course as you walk up and down this particular stretch of the boardwalk you see all types of people, Homeless, skateboarders, psychics, potheads, bodybuilders, alcoholics, hip hop artists, tourists, etc…) Really you can divide all of these groups into two different categories “Freaks” and “gawkers”. Now I use the term Freaks only because this is the phrase I so commonly hear others use when talking about Venice Beach they are the performers putting on a show for the Gawkers and in many cases making a nice little living doing it. You see the gawkers love to come to the beach to watch and laugh and ultimately feel better about who they are. The Freaks know this is what’s happening and have learned to exaggerate an effect for gain. Personally I like to call them Caricatures. Why? Because I believe they are in real life just who they claim to be at Venice Beach they’ve just learned how to exaggerate it. The sad thing. I noticed an overwhelming number of almost every type of person you can imagine except one. I didn’t see any “Christ Followers” I have seen that caricature in the past (The Jesus bus, The street corner barker) and maybe there are one or two on the beach and I just missed them. I was there but I would be more in the “Gawker” category. Suddenly my heart really begins to hurt for these people they are so lost. How can we reach them? Then I realize what I’ve been talking about, what is happening in Venice beach is everywhere it’s just that anywhere else we are not willing to be that caricature. It’s hidden, in Venice beach they hide nothing! I spend the day trying to process this information and decide what to do with it. When I join a friend and her family to go to the BIG Halloween party in W Hollywood. While we are there it’s Venice Beach times 100. Wow is this crazy! Shannessy and I are walking and talking about what we are seeing and I begin to tell her about what I’ve been processing. Her brain had pretty much begun the same thing (I just got a head start). I asked something along the lines of what do we do? How do we respond? I was overwhelmed not seeing any sort of answer and realizing that this was a caricature of what’s happening everywhere. When a light went on in her head. I was thinking of “The Grand Scheme” when she excitedly said “We be light” No big plan, no making ourselves a “Christ Caricature” just plain and simple “Be Light” in this world wherever you are. Is that enough? Of course it is! Jesus is light (One man) look what happened around him. He’s permanently marked in history because of it. Every time we use the year we are talking about him (B.C. now it’s A.D.) Look at Matt 5:14 – 16 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to “ALL” that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.” My friends it is time for us to be light to stand on a Lampstand (Use the gifts God has given you) and declare the light. Otherwise it’s common sense. The less we shine our light the darker the world will be. I don’t know but maybe that is one of the reasons Jesus in Mark 8: 38 says “For whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the son of man will also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his father with the Holy angels” If we are ashamed to admit we love him how can we possibly be light in this world. I would like to leave with this question. Is there any reason to not shine the Light of Christ other than being ashamed? I can’t really think of one.

Friday, October 30, 2009


As you know I am on a bit of a road trip at the moment. Before leaving many of you asked me “What do you hope to gain by going on this trip?” It was as if everyone thought that I was expecting this incredible encounter with God. I would be sleeping one night and suddenly have this Angel appear before me and give me words of wisdom that I could then go home and share with the world and like Moses coming down from the mtn my skin would be all aglow from it’s direct encounter with God. But I would quickly point out “No! All I’m expecting is to get alone with my daddy and maybe hopefully get some guidance for “The Upside Down Group as well.” Now that I’ve been gone for close to a whole month I need to make a confession. As much as I wanted my answer to be the truth it seems that others assumptions were a bit closer to reality. If you have been following my blogs at all the last few weeks then you will know that yes I have been hearing from God. It seems that I am constantly having these little encounters yet when I go more then a day or two without actually hearing from him I grow disappointed. I call out to him and ask where he is. On more than one occasion I have asked for him to surround me and to give me a God hug (Much better than a bear hug by the way). Each time he has come through with the hug. As I’m writing and reading this it sounds pretty awesome so why have I been disappointed? Even on days I hear from him I am disappointed that I haven’t “Encountered him” after all I hear of others encounters with God is it too much to ask for the same? For peets sake I left home and friends for an extended period of time. I’ve sold most of what I have to go on this trip come on God I deserve to have “A God Encounter”. I must not be doing it right. I’m trying to be wise with my finances so you don’t have to come through quite as large for me at the end of the trip. But I have spent a few nights in a hotel some I believe wisely but others I know it was just because I really couldn’t stand the thought of spending another cold night in a tent. I have gone out to eat more often then I should but the thought of canned Tuna just wasn’t sitting to well and the meal was a cheap one. But that’s not being wise with my finances will God come through when I need him to now? I have spent a lot of time exploring the countryside around me maybe instead I should have spent more time alone in my tent reading, I shouldn’t have turned on the tv in my hotel next time I’ll see if I can get a room without a tv. NEXT TIME WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THERE CAN’T BE A NEXT TIME! Wow you look at all that and no wonder God hasn’t revealed himself like I was expecting. I’m a slacker! You haven’t even offered to serve local churches in the last couple cities you were in. SLACKER!! (Forget that I tried and couldn’t find anyone home.) I think most can read this and say “it’s a load of you know what”. That’s Satan working his magic planting doubts. I can even say it as I read this but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s there. I was speaking with a friend last night that has more or less gone on the same trip and this friend recognized almost every thought I was struggling with. We found ourselves finishing each others sentences. Here’s the thing though. We know each other and both of us knew that the others intentions were legit. I leave and head to the house I’m staying in for the night and am talking to my host about the same thing. But I find myself with him trying to explain this trip and make it still sound legit. He hadn’t questioned me. He had even made a few statements about how he wished he could do the same. Yet I still keep trying to rationalize it and I can’t say anything without (in my mind) sounding like a slacker/freeloader. It was because I couldn’t insert the word “Work” in with what I was doing. I felt guilty for enjoying this creation that God gave us. That’s when I think about Genesis and Gods creation of this universe. Check it out. God creates everything first then he creates man. He creates man in his own image, he gives man dominion over everything. It seems clear to me that God Created Earth for man not man for Earth. That means God created this Earth for me to Enjoy he created each and every detail so I would have something to explore and see and experience and enjoy. Here comes my big revelation for the day and for the moment my big revelation on this trip. Are ya ready? Ya sure? Hold on to your seat it’s big, it’s revolutionary and can change your life if you truly believe it. If you’re not ready for a total and radical life change DO NOT READ ON!!! ________GOD LOVES ME!!!!________ What? That’s your BIG revelation! I learned that in Sunday school when I was 5 years old. So did I. But there’s a difference between memorizing a lesson and repeating it for others to hear and truly understanding and embracing it. I don’t know about you but I learned that God loves me while living in a world of conditional acceptance. I truly believe that my parents love me unconditionally no ifs, ands, or buts about it but other than that. Your teachers like you as long as you play along in class, your coaches like you if you can advance the team, your bosses like you if you can advance the company, Society likes you if you prove to be a productive member of society. Once any of those things stop others begin to look at you differently. But maybe, just maybe God loves me as I am for who I am. And maybe, just maybe God has sent me on this trip so he can show me how much he loves me. Not so I will spread his light across the country by serving others (Though he’s not against it.) Not to learn giant life lessons and return home changing the world, (I don’t think he’d be against that either) He didn’t call me out here so I would go hungry, or so I can sleep out in the cold. He sent me on this trip because HE LOVES ME!!! He wants me to enjoy his creation and know that he created it for me. The more I am able to enjoy it the more I am able to enjoy him. The more I am able to enjoy him the more I can embrace the fact that he truly loves me. The more I can embrace the fact that God loves me the more I fall in love with him and the more I fall in love with him the more natural it becomes to tell the world that ______HE LOVES THEM TOO!!!_______. So it’s a selfish act on Gods part? If you call wanting your children to know you love them selfish then yes it’s a selfish act. But if anyone has the right to be selfish it’s the creator of the universe so who am I to argue.

So here’s my plan for the rest of the trip. I of course will seek to be a wise steward of what he has given me but I will not be a slave to it. I will go where I feel compelled to go (Unless God tells me otherwise) and I will ENJOY MYSELF!!! While telling others about this incredible gift God has given me and I will not feel guilty about it. In doing so I will have my “God Encounter” that I am looking for. May you have the exact same encounter. May you wake up one day and know REALLY KNOW!!! THAT THE GOD OF THIS UNIVERSE _____LOVES YOU!!!!_____

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What are you looking at?

I was doing my reading this morning in Isaiah and I saw something that struck me so I felt the desire to share my revelation with you. In Isaiah 20:3: Then the Lord said, “Just as my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and a wonder against Egypt and Ethiopia…” Isaiah walked naked for three years. For three years “Gods Servant” never put on a piece of clothing, NEVER!!! Now I don’t know about you but if I see someone walking down the street naked I’m going to the other side. I am making an instant judgement of the person based on his appearance without even asking him why. “What’s your purpose in being naked? In this case God told him to and it was because God was trying to make a point. God does this throughout the bible with his prophets. John the Baptist dressed in Camel skin and ate wild locusts and honey. Then he would stand on a corner and yell out the kingdom of God is at hand. (I seem to avoid those people as well.) He had another prophet marry a prostitute (Hosea), etc… All these people were messengers of God but according to anyone’s standards all these people were freaks. Most of us would do whatever we could to avoid them and when we see them quite often we laugh and run off and tell our friends “You’re never going to believe what I saw “I saw John on the corner yelling” Yes, he’s back can you believe it! You can probably already guess where I’m going with this. But I’m going there anyway. Earlier I read again in Isaiah 11:1-3 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a branch shall grow out of his roots. The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and might, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. His delight is in the fear of the Lord, AND HE SHALL NOT JUDGE BY THE SIGHT OF HIS EYES, NOR DECIDE BY THE HEARING OF HIS EARS; … I have recognized my tendency to Judge and am desperately trying to fight against it but it’s subtle and very easy to do. This is the best reminder I have seen of just how much I can miss by listening to my first impression or the first impression of others. How about you? Where do you stand with this? Are there neighbors or co-workers that you have avoided because they seem to be a little off? Does the person running the cash register at your grocery store seem a bit different? Have you ever listened to the guy yelling on the street corner? Take a few minutes to get to know them and the heart they speak from. You may learn a bit about yourself and our God.

(Obviously practice wisdom. Some people should not be approached alone because you don’t know them.)

Hiking the Dam

So, I was spending a few days in Boulder City, NV and camping at Lake Mead. When I notice a trail that leads to the Hoover Dam. It’s only a 3.5 mile trail so I figure “Why not, Tomorrow I’ll take the trail to the Hoover Dam.” I wake up the next day and figured I would go ahead and walk to the Trail Head from my campground since it was just a couple miles up the road. I begin my walk and see an Entrance to the beach. “Hey I’ll walk the beach to the trail head that sounds like more fun.” So I work my way over to the beach and have a great time watching the sailboats along the way (There was some sort of race happening.) I get to the end of the beach and of course come to a patch of difficult walking. Through tall weeds, mushy ground, dirty, trash spread around the area, etc… Finally I make it around all this and into the Marina. I decide to head into the Marina and ask if I can catch the trail there or if I need to walk the half mile reverse of the trailhead to catch the beginning. They told me I would need to walk back or climb up the very difficult rocky incline to hit the trail. I of course decide to go up the incline. I don’t know about you but I have always hated the idea of walking backwards to move forward. Some call it lazy I like to call it efficient. So I begin the climb and it wasn’t really all that bad I make it to the trail and begin walking. Now this is an old railroad trail that they used to build the Dam. After the dam was complete they took out the rail and made it a walking trail. It was my understanding that this was a smooth trail that walkers, runners or bikers could take. But I’m walking on rocks. It’s not a hard walk but definitely not the smooth trail I was expecting. As I continue I see the trail split in two directions and it’s not labeled which way to go. So I take a guess and think wow these guys are not good at marking the trails. I move forward and it happens again. Now I’m climbing a pretty steep embankment after the climb I go down an even steeper one. I can’t believe trains ever followed this thing it seemed too steep for a train and the turns too sharp. I found myself sliding down the hill if I didn’t hit a solid rock.. After about two miles of this type of terrain I turn a corner and merge onto a smooth trail. I see another couple walking the other direction and I realize that I just landed on the real trail the other was not a trail at all but work paths for the electrical lines workers. The rest of the walk was smooth just as I had expected and I saw runners, walkers, bikes.

How many of us as we try to walk a path to God decide to take a short cut? We think “I can veer off the trail just a little bit right here and it wont hurt that much because my eyes are still on the trail. Next thing you know you’re walking a pretty rough path back to where you once were. Here’s the thing God has built a clear path to him through his son Jesus Christ. He tells us just stay on this trail and you will make it to me. The world we live in/Satan has put along this path some very enticing things to pull us off the trail and he puts them just barely off the trail so we don’t think it’s a big deal to take a small step off. But when we do we see something else a little further away and we go there and then something else and then another something. Next thing you know we can’t even see the trail we used to be on we don’t think we can ever make it back so Satan then moves in and says you might as well give up on the trail. My first word of advice is this. Don’t leave the trail! But we all know that isn’t going to happen. We all at some point in our journey are persuaded off. Which leads me to my second point. When you do fall off the trail and Satan is saying just give up. Tell him to shut up and then yell out to the trail. That’s right yell out to the trail. Our trail is alive and he will answer back I’m over here. Then he will tell you how to get back on the path. It may be a rough journey back but you’ll find it’s a rewarding one. I had fun on my pseudo trail to the dam but it was tough and I didn’t take it again on my way home.

Where are you on your journey? Have you wondered off the trail a little bit. Don’t worry about it. GOD STILL LOVES YOU! He’s waiting for you to turn around and walk into his arms so DO IT! Are you doing pretty good? You’re still on the trail. Look around for those that have fallen off. Let them know where the trail is and then offer to help them back.

Well Gang that’s my two cents worth. Hope you’re having a great week. Don’t forget Lets “Live it upside down!”

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Angels Landing

As I believe most of you know I have been in Zion National Park the last few days. Let me tell you this park is appropriately named. It’s beauty is spectacular and I will be posting some photo’s on my Facebook account soon. Yesterday I went on a hike to a destination known as “Angels Landing” This was not a hike for just anyone. It’s only 2.5 miles one way but it has an elevation gain of just under 1500 feet. Parts of the climb are steep but paved so a steady pace will do ya. Most anyone can make this part of the climb because you can stop and rest as often as you like. (I am proud to say I only stopped once and no one ever passed me.) That part of the hike is just under 2 miles. After this part of the climb is a short 1/8th mile climb on some rocks where you have to think about your steps and even use your arms a tad bit to climb. I would say that at least half the people stopped at this point and wouldn’t continue on. Some because of health or just plain inability to accomplish this type of climbing and the other half because of fear. I went on this stretch reached the top sat down and enjoyed the view thinking I had completed the hike. After a minute of sitting and chatting with a couple beside me we notice a group of kids heading back and wondered where they came from. We walked around the ledge and saw in front of us another peak. It looked like a giant pile of rocks that almost went straight up meanwhile another couple passes us heading that way. We had basically another ½ mile to go and it was close to straight up. I let out this audible “ohh wow” and moved forward with a bit of excitement about the task at hand. The other four let out the same “ohh wow” and followed it with a “No way” Since they had made it this far it was clear they had the ability but fear was stopping them. They asked “Are you really going to do this?” I made it this far I’m not going to stop now. After I had gone a ways they yelled “turn and wave we want a photo” So I did and I yelled back “It’s not as hard as it looks the footing is solid come on” They wouldn’t. I move on and they yell for another photo. After I’m about half way up the climb is soo cool I let out another Wow! Two guys a little ahead of me look down and yell It’s soo worth it come on. They assumed I was about to turn. Huh uh I’m going all the way. You see what’s happening? I love what’s going on and try to encourage others to come along. The two ahead of me love it so much they try to encourage me. I catch up with them we chat for a moment then carry on to the top. Once we reach the top we just sit there and enjoy the view. We made it! We were a part of the minority the climb was challenging but oh so much fun and the view Incredible. We take some photo’s chat awhile and then turn to head down.

I could have stopped where the others did and if I didn’t see the kids coming by never would have known the difference. But they did and I did. I could have chosen to not take the challenge and still had a great view and a great time. Everyone that had made it that far was smiling. You knew they meant it when they said “I’m great” they truly felt alive. They had even forgotten how hard the climb was up till that point because the reward was so great. But I would have always known I chickened out. I would have always wondered what it was like on top of “Angels Landing” I would have been the one taking pictures of some guy doing what I wish I had the courage to do. This isn’t a “Go for it” speech. I’m not going to say push your fears and the reward will be great. Ok maybe I will right now but that’s not the point. As I was climbing that second part I realized this is what our spiritual life is like. We accept Christ and begin the climb up. At first the climb isn’t too difficult and when the incline seems to increase our excitement of the new adventure can usually carry us through. Then we reach a landing a place where we can rest (A Mountain Top experience) We know we’re not there yet we see others pass us by but we need to rest we need to experience the joys of the view. Nothing wrong with that experience what God has been doing and live in that glory. Then a time comes when God calls us to begin the journey again. Some of us drop off. We are happy right here we are tired of the work the challenge so we stay. Others begin the climb again suddenly they reach what they think are the mountain top they stop and enjoy the moment (Great bask in God for awhile) Then they notice others moving on. They are surprised to see another mountain top. Some look and say “Ohh wow” and begin the climb others are fine where they are. You see where I’m going. I’m not going to sit here and say get off your butt and begin the climb again. I know it can be a challenge. I know it can be scary. What I am going to say is just what the guys ahead of me said. “It’s so worth it!” Begin the climb you’ll find it’s not really as hard as you thought it would be it will be challenging and “I assume” that each new stage will be more of a challenge than the last. But the last stage prepared you for the current. Don’t sit back and take photo’s of that one person taking the climb ahead of you and silently wish you could be him. You can be! God has prepared you for the climb. He has equipped you for the climb! And if there is anything he forgot to give you (Ha!) He will be right next to you to hand it to you at the moment you need it. Come on! What do ya say? Lets climb together! It’s always more fun with a partner anyway. Oh and if you are one of those that happen to think you’ve made it. You’re at the top. I have just one thing to say. “Look Up” and begin the climb.

Spiritual Warfare is alive & well!

Just last week I told you about my experience in Monticello, UT and about what a certain church was doing to stand in the gap. I believe I mentioned my conversation with Pastor John who told me that the entire four corners area was under an oppression because of the practicing “Witch Doctors”, “Spiritual Ceremony’s”, as well as the Mormon Stronghold. I was very aware of the situation. By the time I left Monticello, I had walked the town and prayed enough that while I still could feel the oppression I could also feel Gods presence. Pulling out of town it was almost as if I could feel a hug from God as he was saying “You did all I requested. Well Done” So with all that in mind Let me ask you. “Why did I let my guard down?” I left Monticello and went straight S to Chinle, AZ Monument De Chelly. Chinle is in the heart of the four corners area (Where four states join together.) I’m in a great mood the whole ride, the weather is great. I get to the area find a great camping spot in a free campground everything looks great. I hop on my bike and ride to a few of the lookout points trying to catch a little bit before the sun goes down. The more I ride the more I begin to feel frustrated. I turn onto a lookout road and grow frustrated that I still need to ride a mile down the road to get to the viewpoint. I begin to ask myself “Why are you growing frustrated?” I have no answer. Calm down Larry. I get to the campground walk around for awhile, listen to a podcast, Then go to bed. I am on edge all night hearing every noise. I even hear the coyote (I think) that came into the campground and stole almost all my food and my $100 water purifier because it was in my food bag. No big deal, I shake it off Find some oatmeal I had separate from the rest of the food. Make breakfast and begin roaming. I feel ok at the beginning of the day my head is kinda full but no biggie it was cold overnight it’ll clear up as the day goes on. But the more I roam the more I feel like I’m getting a bad head cold. I try to pray it off but it doesn’t leave. I ask God why not? You love me, you want the best for me I see no reason why you wouldn’t want to heal me, Please do so? Nope it just continues to get worse. Finally I decide “Well I’m not going to hike today because I feel this way and I’ve ridden to most of the View points I can I might as well leave (I had planned on staying for the night.). I go to the camp ground and somewhere on the way it hits me. “I think this is a spiritual thing. It’s the oppression in the area.” I begin to pack up my tent and the head cold is disappearing but I can’t concentrate. It usually takes me about 30 minutes or so to load my bike this time because I literally had to think through every step it took me over an hour. By now I know it’s the oppression but I don’t think I prayed it off I just knew I had to run. I finally hop on my bike fill up with fuel and leave. I’m hungry but I know I can’t take the time to eat I have to get out of there. I hit the road and guess what… With-in 15 minutes I feel fine. Now I just want to get out of the four corners area. I pray for protection. I pray for the town and I continue to leave. I don’t quite make it out of the four corners before I have to stop for the night but now I am praying and praying and praying for protection over the night. I get a text from a friend telling me he’s praying for me and I am relieved I text back and say “Thank You Randy” the next morning I get another text from a friend saying he is praying for me. I think my friends knew I needed prayer. Here’s Satan working. I want to text my support group and say pray but I just did a week ago for the same thing I don’t want them to think I’m losing it so I don’t. Thankfully at least some of them knew anyway. I think all probably did those are just the one’s I heard from.

I have so many different directions I could go right now but here is where I want to go. Here is the question. Why did I let my guard down? In Monticello I was standing bold taking my authority in Christ seriously. In Chinle I was running scared (Even though I had warning it would be that way). The answer… Despite what I had already experienced in Monticello and at other times in my life. I wasn’t taking this whole spiritual warfare thing seriously. My head knew it existed but my heart hadn’t really embraced that I am called to be a warrior on the front lines. Therefore I was primed for a surprise attack and that is exactly what happened. Let me give you a word of warning. I am not the only one called to the front lines. If you are reading this and you consider yourself a follower of Jesus Christ. You are called to the front lines! Yes you! The enemy has you in his sights. If you are moving toward God the enemy is moving toward you. I promise you the attacks will be subtle but they will be real. Really you’ve already been under attack. Do you go to pray and get distracted? Go to study your bible with the same result? Feel the urge to talk to someone about God but then find 20 reasons why not? These are all examples of an attack. Take it seriously. Pray into it every day. Ask God to protect you from the enemy and to make you bold ready and willing to advance at every opportunity. If you haven’t yet said that prayer stop what you are doing right now and do it. I don’t want to be caught off guard again. There is no reason we should ever be afraid with Christ as our leader yet I was running like a coward. God help me to see the unseen and be ready today and every day for the battle at hand. I thank you that you are my Commander with you at my side leading every charge we cannot be defeated. I know you wont ever leave my side help me to not drift away from yours.

Friday, October 16, 2009

For you Lord for you!

How many of you like me when you are praying for someone or something feel the pressure to make it a lengthy prayer? For me at least it sometimes feels like I’m not giving my friend or the situation it’s proper attention if I don’t spend at least X amount of time in prayer. Now the question is “Does God need to hear all those words in order for our prayers to be effective?” Of course not! God doesn’t need any of it. But he does want to partner with us. He wants us to be involved thus the reason for him asking us to pray. Remember what we’ve been talking about lately? Learning how to listen to God in prayer and then praying what he tells us to pray. What I’ve found myself doing is hearing God say “Pray for so and so to get a job” Rather than Responding with God please be with so and so and allow them to find that job that he/she is made for that would make them happy and be able to provide for their needs. (Which is still more than he asked me to pray) I feel the need to go into great detail about the specific job, a timeline for finding the job, the type of coworkers they get to work with, the income level, Oh and please provide it in such a way that it’s clear it came from you. Is there anything wrong with giving so much detail? Probably not. Other than if God doesn’t answer in the exact way we prayed we are sometimes disappointed that God didn’t show up even when they get the job. Gods details are usually better than ours so receiving the job is a great answer even if the other things don’t work out because that is the job that God wanted you to have.

This whole topic really hit home for me this past week. The town I am currently in has a real spiritual stronghold over it. Not to the positive. I spoke with the Pastor of the church I am staying in and he agreed. This whole region known as “The Four Corners” is under an oppression for various reasons. The day I heard it I went out and begin to walk the town and pray. My prayers were big (I think I was under an adrenaline rush) I would walk by the Mormon Temple and pray that the statue on top would fall over as a symbol of God taking the town back. That the temple and both the Mormon churches in town remain filled but filled with followers of Christ. That the Mormon Seminary in town keep its current students but that they would realize the lies and become students of the one living God and that their lives be dedicated to exposing those lies. I was on a real roll. But the only thing I heard God ask me to do was to pray for the town. The next day I went out and began to walk the town in prayer again. This time nothing was coming to mind to pray but God was saying to pray for the town. So I walked around at the beginning with a lot of remember last nights prayer God… Ditto! I grew disappointed that the statue on top of the Temple was still standing and not even slightly tarnished. As I continued to walk I Began to pray “For you Lord for you” That was it God just asked me to keep repeating that phrase “For you Lord for you” Past the temple “For you Lord for you” Past the churches “For you Lord for you” through the neighborhoods “For you Lord for you” it didn’t matter where I was walking the prayer worked. The Businesses “For you Lord for you” As I began walking that night the same thing “For you Lord for you” As I began the next day God help my day to be “For you Lord for you” I have continued to pray for each of you but for the last two days my prayers for you have been that your lives be “For you Lord for you” and that’s how I want to leave this little note with you knowing that my prayers for you are simple “Lord be with them, Bless their Lives and help them to live each of their days “For you Lord for you!”

God Bless I hope you continue to have a great week and lets not forget to live it “For you Lord for you”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Standing in the Gap

Talk about standing in the gap. Let me tell you about a little church in the town of Monticello, Utah. Monticello, Utah sits at the intersection of two highways 191 & 491 Until just a couple years ago it sat at the intersection of 191 & 666 someone finally had the foresight to change the name of one of the highways. Obviously the name doesn’t pronounce judgment on anything but in this case I do believe it was incredibly prophetic. Let me tell you a couple other points of interest about this town. Being in Utah it is of no surprise that it is heavily Mormon. However it is a surprise to me at least that the Bishops thought it an important enough stronghold to build a temple. Not only this but the Indian population in the area is very strong as well. With the heavy Indian population you also find quite a bit of witchcraft. Put those two things together and you have a town that is under some pretty heavy oppression. You also have a town that I believe God finds very important and is fighting for. It’s a battle ground for what they call the “Four Corners” the area that 4 different states come together CO, UT, AZ, NM. To show you just how important this little church is it runs the only radio station in town. A few years ago when they had decided to build a Mormon temple in town Pastor John received a phone call from someone simply telling him they needed a radio station and he would file the papers for a permit. Out of 180 some applications for special grant permits that year First Baptist was one of five that received a permit. Next they needed to build a tower. No one knew anything about how to build a tower or had any money to buy the equipment. Suddenly an old radio man appears and donates everything they need for the tower just things he had collected over the years. None of it was built for this purpose but it works. John designed and drew out the plans for the tower pad (Remember he has no experience) He sent them in for approval and they passed the inspector was surprised when he found an engineer didn’t draw them out. Finally 2 years later the station is up and they find the extra strain on their electric bill ($75 a month more) was stretching them too thin out of the blue a radio station a few miles away wants to bounce their signal off of the churches tower and pays them rent of $500 a month. The extra gives them money to buy equipment to do the job right. Out of the blue a man and his brother come for a visit and the brother gets a calling to stay and run the station. Rhett gets it to a professional sound but they have few listeners. Rhett has a passion for football and asks if he can broadcast the high schools games suddenly they have a following. Now the station is central to everything in the town. Pastor John Runs the political debates, they broadcast the city council meetings this station has become central to the community. Oh did I forget to tell you that the Bishop in town has told the members to not listen to the station? Guess what that did… You bet suddenly the listenership increased. What’s funny is they never set out a plan to do this. It’s clear God wanted it and he got it. This community that is against Christianity looks to the church because it’s the best option for them. The airwaves are saturated with God. How awesome is that? Now let me tell you about their newest passion. A group of men has begun taking fatherless boys out into the wild once a month and teaching them wilderness survival skills. Not only do they do this but they parallel the lessons with stories of how they relate to Christ. It’s really cool to hear about. Now they have a dream and an opportunity. There is a wilderness camp that has been offered to them for purchase and it just happens to be beside a members ranch. It is their dream to be able to open this up for boys every week. Partnering with churches that have men standing by to be mentors to these young men. I wish I could describe the program more clearly but can you imagine boys from across the country coming to this camp living the life boys dream of. Learning to rough it, to live off the land having instructors pointing out to them “See this horse and all the power it has. See how it is controlled yet at any moment could break lose. That is what it means to be meek. You have power it’s time to learn to control that power.” (One very tiny example of the types of lessons they teach the boys.) Then sending them home to their mentors that are aware of the lessons they were just taught and pick it up from there. They are at the beginning of this journey and they currently feel overwhelmed diving into a whole realm of issues. That tells me it’s God sized dreaming.

I haven’t given you an assignment this week just a bunch of stories or little lessons God has pointed out to me this past week. So here it is your assignment for the week. I ask you to pray for this church this little sanctuary in the middle of a war zone. Ask that God continue to bless their efforts in the community (Pastor John works in the hospital just so he can form relationships in the community.) That he continue to bless and grow the radio station. That the town begin to open up to hearing about Christ not just using the church. And that God show them the clear next steps to fulfilling this most recent dream. (I know he will as it is clearly him that has placed it on their hearts and already opened small doors. But lets pray for it all the same.)

I hope you’re having a great week Gang and once again Lets live it Upside Down!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Observations from a trail!

I have spent the last two days hiking inside Arches National Park and let me tell you it is beautiful country. Who knew a desert could be so beautiful! I think I have ultimately hit every trail that you are allowed to go on in the park without receiving a special permit. Here is what I noticed. (You may think this is obvious but it’s still worth pointing out.) “The trails with the most people on them were the easiest trails.” Here’s another thing I noticed. “The trails with the most warnings attached to them were the one’s with the best experience.” Being a beginner in the world of hiking I naturally didn’t hit the hardest trail first. (I hit the second hardest) The trail I hit wasn’t dangerous by any stretch of the imagination and honestly most anyone could do it. The hardest part was a 480 foot climb that wasn’t gradual at all. But it wasn’t grab a rope and hold on for dear life either. I knew I could make the climb because I knew I could stop and rest if necessary. Time to brag a bit I had no need of stopping. Did I begin to breath heavy? You bet! But I knew I could push on and wanting to get back into shape I decided to not take it easy. I chose a steady pace and continued all the way to the top. The reward was another great view and the ability to get my picture taken under the most photographed rock/arch in the world (That right there should tell you it wasn’t too difficult of a climb). Day number one I hit every trail accept for two. One didn’t seem that exciting to me and the other was the hardest and longest one in the park. By then the day was almost over and I figured I wouldn’t see anything totally different on this trail than the others so I left. The next day I decided to go back after all I had no timeline for being anywhere and how fun would it be to say I hiked every trail in the park. So I go up to this trail read about it and see that there are two parts to the trail the easy hike but not for those afraid of heights and the primitive trail only recommended for experienced hikers. The primitive trail was an extra 2 mile loop added to the day. Needless to say If you ever see a warning that says “Not for those who are afraid of heights” Go on it! Can I say “Wow” the view was breathtaking and the whole time you are standing on a rock that is probably 100 yards long and 3 to 4 feet wide with no handrails. I decide to take the extra 2 mile loop on the primitive trail and find that it really is much easier than they make it sound yet I am all alone. I see one other group a father son team the whole time. Everyone else was afraid to take the hike. This time it was in the valley climbing stones walking up hill on a diagonal with no real base. Walking through timberland you didn’t know existed hopping small ponds it was a really cool hike. It gets me to thinking about my past. As an actor two of my favorite shows I’ve been a part of were shows I originally didn’t want to do. I saw them loved the show and then thought I hope I never have to do it. Next thing you know I’m being asked to do it. Not being one to say no I accept the part and see that I can do it after all. Were they a challenge? Definitely! But one’s worth taking. When I was a Technical Director I would often be presented with a set to build that had new challenges to it. I would have to learn a new skill in building or painting, etc… I would always look back at those projects with great pride because they forced me to stretch myself. I’m not saying these things to brag I think each and every one of us has these experiences and you know exactly what I’m talking about. So where are you going with this? I’m glad you asked. Why is it that we can take the challenge with one part of our lives but struggle with it in other parts? How many of you have heard God asking you to do something but the thought of doing it scares you too much? “Leave my job! But how will I get by?” “Talk to so and so about God! But I don’t know what to say.” “Give money to such and such but I need it to pay my bills” You get the point. I want to suggest to you that every time we come up with an excuse to not listen we rob ourselves of some great experiences. We rob ourselves of an experience with God. Too many of us are only willing to walk with God in our comfort zones and as a result we are living in an uncomfortable world. Do yourself and the world a favor take the difficult trail “The path less followed” Dive into God’s life with both feet you will never be bored and you will always have new story’s to tell. Remember what one man did some 2,000 plus years ago by saying yes to God and what his 12 disciples did after. It’s time to say yes. It’s time to live the life!!

Taking a photo!

I hit Colorado a few days back and began to see these incredible views. Now that I am in Utah the amazement hasn’t lessened. God has created some incredibly beautiful country for us to appreciate. Now I’m pretty new at taking photo’s so I’ll admit I’m probably not the best at trying to figure out what to capture when in order to take the best photo. But I’ve been struggling with this. How do I capture in a single photo the incredible beauty that I’m looking at? Especially when it’s a vast openness that is taking my breath away. I don’t care how good the camera is or how experienced the photographer it just isn’t possible to capture the fullness of what you are experiencing. For one second lets imagine that it is possible (After all I have taken a few of what “I” consider to be breathtaking photo’s.) I am now in Moab Utah gorgeous country. Who knew the desert could be so beautiful. It is not possible to capture all of Moab Utah in one photo or even all of Arches National Park, or even all of the smallest hike in Arches. It’s not supposed to be possible. I think God created this incredible universe for us to encounter bit by bit, piece by piece. God also gives us clues to who he is in his creation. As I’ve been hiking the last few days I’ve been on top of mountains and seen miles upon miles of Gods creation all at once and been blown away by the sheer beauty of it all. That view made me want to hit the trails all the more so I could experience what I was seeing. But it wasn’t until I hit the trails and experienced what I had seen bit by bit that I truly appreciated the over all scenery. Before the hike all I knew was “It is beautiful” during the hike I saw the details. I noticed dried up river beds, pine tree’s sitting next to tumbleweed, and a sandy trail that ended in solid rock. I saw the stone had multiple colors in it, Gecko’s running at my feet and even an Eagle flying over head with a snake in it’s grasp. I could go on but you get the point. These hikes almost always had a point where you were “On Top” It was only then after being in the thick of it that I could begin to appreciate the details of the larger picture. Now I can notice the green scenery, I see the outlines of the creek beds, I notice the birds flying in front of me. So I can’t see every detail but I know it’s there and I can imagine the parts I can’t see (Because I know it’s there.) I would say that at one point in all of our lives we saw a big God we saw a God that was incredible, awe inspiring, overwhelming, and maybe even a little bit scary. It’s what drew us to him in the first place. How many of us have taking the hike? How many of us have taken the time to dive into God and begin learning the details that go with him. I would guess that many of us began the trip but soon grew overwhelmed and stopped preferring to view him from a distance. (The topic of my next post) Let me encourage you “Take the journey” dive into God learn the details of who he is. I could probably spend years in Arches National Park and never quite catch all the details but I will catch more and more and appreciate them more than “It’s a fun place to go 4 wheeling” (Which is what most here do) Likewise we can dive into God more and more everyday for the rest of our lives and we will never grasp the fullness of who he is. But we will appreciate the details of who he is that much more. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to just go 4 wheeling with God (Throw up the emergency prayers and sing a few songs on Sunday) That’s all well and good but I want to know those hidden details that draw the world to him. I want to know him intimately! Who wants to go hiking?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy Day

So, I'm riding my back down I-80 yesterday and the weather is not good. It's a very heavy mist the heaviest i've ever seen and not be considered rain. The road is soaked my pant legs are soaked but amazingly it really isn't all that cold even though the temp is in the 50"s. Radar tells me that the rain is going to stop with-in about 30 miles so I decide to push on. Next thing you know I see a spot of blue sky, with-in a couple miles the sun breaks through the clouds and I find myself singing out loud Hallelluia (Can't spell it but I can say it) After about 10 minutes or so the sun disappears again and I was very sad and disappointed I saw no option for it to come back But off to my left I saw clear sky and I so desperately wanted to turn but I couldn't the rd had me locked in the wrong direction. Then it hits me "This is just like our life with God" Before God we are driving down a rd Dark and cloudy we find God and the clouds slowly begin to break we see the sun for the first time and sing out in excitement and amazement over his beauty. Before long our old life begins to pull us back in we see the clouds moving in and we so desperately want to stop them but we feel trapped we're locked on a road that we can't change. Guess what happened to me yesterday. As I was processing this suddenly the Sun broke through the clouds and began shining directly on me. Right in front of me before it seemed of in the distance. You may feel like you are on the wrong road traveling away from God desperately wanting to turn in the right direction but you're trapped you can't get off the road. This is what's so cool about God. Look to him even when you feel trapped and he will break through the clouds. After awhile the sky will be blue and those struggles a distant memory. God will have broken through those clouds and he'll be shinning even brighter than when you first met him as if to say Welcome Home.

Are you struggling? Look to God he wants to break through those clouds and say WELCOME HOME!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

On the road

Hey Gang,
I am writing you from Kearney Nebraska. Nope I haven't made it very far yet cold has a tendency to slow you down a bit and now because of the rain I am sitting in a coffee shop and able to write you a note. First let me say Thank you to those of you that made it out to the Treasure Hunt Thursday night it was a good time. For those of you that chose to bless me with a monetary gift your generosity blew me away. Not only did it blow me away but it is the only reason I am able to write you from Kearney. After paying my bills for the next 2 months the only cash I have left is part of what you gave me. Isn't God good, he knew what I needed and he used you to give it to me.

Just an fyi I have changed my plans already. I checked the weather last night and saw snow in the direction I was heading so today as soon as the rain clears I will be pointing my bike South and heading to a new location. Don't ask where. I guess we'll all know once I arrive. For the first time in my life I am now working without a plan. (Unless you count avoid the rain and cold as a plan.)

This leads me to my assignment for the week. It's a selfish one this time. This week continuing the theme of prayer. I am asking that you pray for me. I am trying to walk with and seek God on this trip. My plans have already been erased putting me completely at his will if I can only listen to his guiding. Please pray that I don't get in the way and for his continued provision financially. That I grow an ability to engage everyone I come across. The bike and Bill's painting are great icebreakers.

Meanwhile my assignment is to pray for you. During the first half of my ride last night I went to do the normal thing and pray for myself yet God said "No, pray for your friends first" This is what I will be doing everyday this week you will be the first I pray for. Of course I don't say this to guilt you into praying for me. I don't want those prayers anyway. I say it so you know that you know you have an intercessor. Actually, hey that's an idea. (Can you tell I'm thinking as I type.) We have a great opportunity. As I know where I am heading I'll let you know. If you have someone in that state or city that you have been praying for let me know and as I ride through the state or that specific city I will be praying for your friend. If I'm in the city and they can meet I'll meet them so we can pray face to face. This wont work if we use the blog to update each other because I wont have daily access to my computer. But Facebook will work. If we aren't already friends on FB find me (Larry Rife from Des Moines, IA) and friend me. I can update FB from my phone and messages come straight to me. As I know where I'm going I'll update my status if you know someone that I can pray for leave a comment to my update. If you want me to meet the person I of course will need more info so send me a message with the info. This could work (The benefits of not having a timeline).

Ok Gang, it's time for me to check on the weather. Have a great week and of course "Lets live it Upside Down!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Continuing with the prayer theme.

Howdy howdy Gang,
Before I say anything else I want you to right now stop what you are doing open your calendar and reserve 6pm for this Thursday. Write "Meet Upside Down Group outside Rock Bottom."

Now that you have done that it's time to talk about this weeks assignment. It's a continuation of what we've been talking about. First we sat still listened to God and prayed what we heard him say. Next we went for a walk and did the same thing. Now that we have had two weeks practice listening to God as we pray. It's time to do it as a group time to support each other and learn that we do hear from God even if we don't always recognize it as such. We are going to do this by going on a bit of a treasure hunt. I can't give you (Sorry wont) give you any more details than that at this point in time but I will tell you this is like no other treasure hunt you've been on. This can be very challenging mentally and really forces us to listen to God and is incredibly fun. After the hunt is complete those that want too will head on inside Rock Bottom for an evening of fun. To help you with your schedule our approximate time frame is Treasure Hunt from 6 to 8 then hang out after that till you're ready to leave.

The hang afterward part will serve two purposes. One it will give us a chance to talk about our experience on the hunt and Two selfishly I am making it a little bit of a party as well because it is my last chance to see everyone before leaving on my trip Friday morning. If you can't make it to the hunt please feel free to come to Rock Bottom. I will also reveal a painting that Bill Butler (Thomas Lift) did for the Upside Down Group. It's a painting that talks about what the group is all about and let me tell you it is incredible. Better than I could have ever imagined.

You don't have to rsvp to come but I would appreciate it if you did. This way we can know what to plan for and know who to look for. If you want to come but are going to be late late me know that as well we may be able to make arrangements for you to join a group already on the hunt.

Thanks all have a great week and as always "Lets live it Upside Down"