Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy Day

So, I'm riding my back down I-80 yesterday and the weather is not good. It's a very heavy mist the heaviest i've ever seen and not be considered rain. The road is soaked my pant legs are soaked but amazingly it really isn't all that cold even though the temp is in the 50"s. Radar tells me that the rain is going to stop with-in about 30 miles so I decide to push on. Next thing you know I see a spot of blue sky, with-in a couple miles the sun breaks through the clouds and I find myself singing out loud Hallelluia (Can't spell it but I can say it) After about 10 minutes or so the sun disappears again and I was very sad and disappointed I saw no option for it to come back But off to my left I saw clear sky and I so desperately wanted to turn but I couldn't the rd had me locked in the wrong direction. Then it hits me "This is just like our life with God" Before God we are driving down a rd Dark and cloudy we find God and the clouds slowly begin to break we see the sun for the first time and sing out in excitement and amazement over his beauty. Before long our old life begins to pull us back in we see the clouds moving in and we so desperately want to stop them but we feel trapped we're locked on a road that we can't change. Guess what happened to me yesterday. As I was processing this suddenly the Sun broke through the clouds and began shining directly on me. Right in front of me before it seemed of in the distance. You may feel like you are on the wrong road traveling away from God desperately wanting to turn in the right direction but you're trapped you can't get off the road. This is what's so cool about God. Look to him even when you feel trapped and he will break through the clouds. After awhile the sky will be blue and those struggles a distant memory. God will have broken through those clouds and he'll be shinning even brighter than when you first met him as if to say Welcome Home.

Are you struggling? Look to God he wants to break through those clouds and say WELCOME HOME!!!


  1. Great post....ever read Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard?? Might be an encouragment as you travel... :)

  2. I have not heard of the book but will def look at up. Thank you!
