Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Alright gang here we go one more week one more assignment. I promise this weeks wont be as long as the last few actually it's sort of a repeat. Since beginning this blog we have I believe given out assignments that have to do with protecting your friendships 3 times now. But here's the thing each time we do someone writes back and says "Thank you for challenging me in this way. After reading the assignment I instantly thought of someone a friend that has grown distant because of a misunderstanding rather than confronting it I found it easier to let the distance grow. After your challenge I knew I had to give my friend a call..." Sometimes these go on to say "Our relationship has been restored" other times they say "It is now a work in progress" and I've seen "We have chosen to go our separate ways" But every time they were glad to finally take the step. It was a release they needed that they didn't even realize they needed. It's been a few weeks since posting an assignment like this but we still continue to hear stories. This tells me that we have hit on an area that Satan is attacking pretty hard. He is so subtle in this attack that we don't even realize it. He starts rumors that have no foundation on truth, he uses one word taken out of context and mixes it around to create a war between two groups of friends, Someone forgets a party and is now "choosing others over me", He must be mad at me he didn't say hi" You get the drift. These things that seem so terrible there can't possibly be an explanation... Until you talk to them and find out she had been sick and accidently slept through the party. He didn't say hi because he didn't see you. When you saw someone laugh and point at you they were telling someone else a joke that you had told them.

My friends, friendship is not something to be held lightly. Why do you think Satan is attacking them so hard. He created the phrase "Divide an conquer" Jesus nailed it when he said in Matthew 12: 25 "Every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. Now this is in a slightly different context than the situation he was speaking in but the truth still stands. He said "EVERY" "EVERY KINGDOM", "EVERY HOUSE". We are of the kingdom of God and when we stand together for him great things will happen. So Satan desires to divide us. As a community of believers grows strong they become dangerous. I don't know about you but I want to be dangerous and I know I can't do this alone. Why else do you think the author of Hebrews said in Chap 10 verse 24, 25 "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching. When we gather together as believers we stir up Love and Good works. We feed off of each other. I personally don't think this is a call to corporate worship (Even though that is very important as well.) I think it is a call for believers to intentionally get together as friends so we can lift up and support each other.

So your assignment this week is to once again "Fight for your friends" confront anything that could be dividing you RIGHT NOW! Do not hesitate! Pick up the phone or send off an email to whoever and ask to meet with them this week. The longer you wait the easier it will be to just forget it. Yes this could be a matter of life and death. I am not exaggerating the point.

If you are a blessed person that at the moment is not struggling with this issue your assignment is to pray this week for these people. Pray for restoration of families, communities and friends. Ask that God place on each of our hearts someone that we need to talk to and that he give us the courage to follow through.

I hate to tell you this my friends but we are at war. It's an invisible war but a war all the same. It's time we treat it as so and strengthen our ranks. One last statement then I will let you get back to your day. If you are asking yourself "Is this someone that God wants me to reconnect with?" Ask yourself one more question? "Is this person a follower of Jesus Christ seeking to grow his kingdom?" If the answer is yes then let me be so bold as to say YES! THIS IS A PERSON GOD WANTS YOU TO RECONNECT WITH! It doesn't mean you need to be best friends relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Remember Matt 12:25 God is not a God of division so use that as a guide.

Alright, I broke my promise and grew long winded hopefully it was worth your while. Have a great week and of course "Lets live it upside down"

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