Monday, July 20, 2009

How much do you remember?

Here we are once again leading into a new week. As I write this week I am thinking of something that God put on my heart about two or three weeks back. I’ve come close to posting it a time or two but then couldn’t figure out exactly how it fit in with our mission. Once again these assignments are ways to help us focus on God and this will definitely help with that. But we also want them to ultimately help focus you on others and this is where this assignment may fall a little short. But of course when focusing on our creator nothing falls short. RIGHT! With that in mind lets continue on.

During my last read through of the Old Testament something that Gods people kept doing seemed to stand out to me. (Gen 12:7 “Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said to your descendants I will give this land. And there he built an Altar to the Lord”, Gen 26:24 – 25 And the Lord appeared…. So he built an Altar there. Gen 28: 16 – 18 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said “Surely the Lord is in this place”…. Then Jacob rose early in the morning took up the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it. Ex 17:14 – 16 Then the Lord said to Moses… and Moses built an Altar and called its name “The-Lord-Is-My-Banner. Joshua 22:26 – 34 … Let us now prepare to build an Altar, nor for burnt offering nor for sacrifice, that it may be a witness between you and us… ) These are just a few examples, Gods people kept building altars to him when he showed up. Why? It seems to me that his people built altars for two reasons. 1. As a place to go worship. 2. As a marker of remembrance. Both are great models that we should follow today. I do think we should each of us have our own place set aside that we go to worship God. But we can go more into that at another time. Today I want to focus on #2. It seems that those closest to God realized just how bad of a memory they had and they recognized the importance of memorializing his actions for us. So when God showed up they would leave a marker of sorts to help them remember and I believe as a statement to others that God is indeed in this place. How do you think Jacob felt when he finally came back home some 20 years after fleeing from his brother he arrives in Bethel and sees the pillar he set up to God who appeared to him in a dream and promised him safety, prosperity and a return home. The promise has now been fulfilled. One look at that marker had to bring back a flood of memories.

If it was so important back then why have we forgotten it today? Some larger organizations still do it. A corporation when setting up a building will still mark the corner stone with their name and the date the foundation was laid. I know of businessmen that frame the first dollar they ever made. But what about God? Over the years I’ve been terrible at journaling (A marker of sorts) But I can pick up the journals I have written and be reminded of so many things God did that I’ve forgotten. My faith gets renewed and I can walk once again with a boldness I had lost. But that takes time to sit and read (Which is well worth it of course.) But it’s not that quick reminder in a time of need or weakness. What do we do then? Why not build markers of remembrance? I recommend we set up two markers. (One will work) When God comes to you, when he speaks, or does something powerful in your life stop a moment look around and mark the area in your mind then if at all possible place a marker there (a rock, carve something in a tree, plant a bush, etc…) This way whenever you walk past this area what God did will rush back into your brain. You’ll find you love to go there because of the memories it brings. Next how about creating a “God scrapbook” When he speaks or moves find something that will remind you of the moment and place it in a scrapbook. (Take a photo of the area then write under it what happened, grab some grass where you were standing and place it in a baggie, a small rock, write a poem about it, whatever works for you) Maybe build a collage and hang it on your wall, ad to it every time God moves. This becomes a great remembrance for you, a great way to teach your kids, and a beautiful witnessing tool. “What do you mean Gods not real? Let me show you my scrapbook or would you rather go for a walk?”

Do you doubt the importance of markers? God doesn’t, read Gen 9:12 – 17 and you find the first rainbow. Read Gen 32:22 – 30 he gave Jacob/Israel a permanent limp as a marker. How about Passover? Read any of the Gospels and Christ gave us the Lords Supper. God is telling us the importance of markers I think it’s time we listen.

Long story short; This weeks assignment is to begin building markers of remembrance to our incredibly awesome God.

Have a great week and as always… “Lets live it upside down”

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