Monday, July 6, 2009

Shut up and Listen

Last week our assignment was to walk and pray for those we saw as we were walking. This week it's a slightly different experience. You see I don't think any of us have too big of a problem talking to God. I know that I rarely have too hard of a time telling God what I want and when I have a question I don't hesitate to ask away. "God why?, what?, who? when? where? HOW?" But I do struggle with actually shutting up and listening for his answer. From what I hear I'm not the only one with that issue. How many of us have ever successfully formed a solid relationship by talking and never listening? The best friendships are formed with dialogue. Two way communication. Now if we are to assume that God is seeking a relationship with us and if we are seeking a relationship with him. Then it's safe to assume that God wants to talk to us as much as we want to talk to him (Maybe even more)

With that in mind our assignment this week is to "SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Set aside a specific amount of time to just sit and listen to God this week. I recommend a minimum of 30 minutes but if you have more time take it because 30 minutes is barely enough time to clear our heads. Lets try to not go into this with any preconceived notions. Lets not ask God a whole bunch of questions then sit and listen for the answer. This week lets try to let God control the conversation. Now since conversation is a two way street after the 30 minutes is up feel free to respond. Thank him for speaking, If it raised a question ask him, write down what he said so you don't forget. Some of you may be thinking that you just don't have the time to set aside. (Do it anyway) Some may be thinking "I never hear from God so it wont work" (It will) All I can say is please, please PLEASE take the time to follow through on the assignment this week. I promise... You wont regret it. You will hear from God. If you've never heard from him before it will be an exciting moment. If it's been a while since you've heard from him you will welcome the voice like a long lost friend. If you hear from him regularly well there's nothing I can say you already know the joy that comes from hearing his voice. So lets just do it, lets have fun, lets hear from our God.

(Note: Be open to his voice. It may be an audible voice, it might come as a whisper or a thought, it could come through another person, or through some other way. Just listen, be open and you will recognize him. He wants to be heard.)

As always have a great week and of course lets live it "Upside Down"

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