Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How do I respond?

Howdy Gang, Are ya still here with me? Sorry I missed getting a blog out to you last week but the simple truth of the matter is my brain wasn’t processing well and I didn’t want to send something forced out to you. Not to worry there is nothing forced about this weeks note. It is something I’ve been processing for a couple weeks now and it is an assignment that I believe each and everyone of us are called to do. So Gang here it is, read it, think about it, pray about it and then please, please, please DO IT!

You may think I’m a little on the slow side in responding to this but hey it’s never too late right. Our topic and assignment this week is wrapped around the whole ELCA Convention and their decision to allow ministers who are in committed homosexual relationships. Don’t worry I’m not going to spend my time talking about how right or wrong this decision is and the scriptural basis for my belief. I’m sure you’ve been inundated with those debates. What I am going to talk about today is the sadness that has filled my heart. Yes because of the decision (Even after what seemed to be a vote clearly cast by God himself.) But more than that I have noticed that each time a divisive issue hits the church Satan takes it as an opportunity to show the world how judgmental the church is. Or points out that if the church can’t agree on these issues how is it possible that they are hearing from God? He gives people a reason (Albeit a terrible one) to turn from God. The church that seeks to honor God gets stuck between a rock and a hard place. They don’t seem to have a good response in their pocket. If I stay and don’t take a strong stand I am telling the world that the decision wasn’t a terrible one. If I pull away and no longer agree to be a part of the institution I am telling the world that we are intolerant. “But Larry all they have to do is explain the stance and let everyone know they love the person just can’t be a part of the sin” Yep they can try that approach and the world will still look at them and say “You are only wrapping your bigotry in nice sounding phrases” We have all seen and heard examples of this time and time again over the years. Meanwhile others in the church are responding however feels right. Some yelling out in righteous indignation others trying to explain to friends and coworkers the reason for their disappointment (No matter how calmly they try to explain the coworkers tend to still feel you’re just being judgmental) The only people that have the opportunity to say anything and not sound judgmental are those that are somehow (In this case) tied to the gay community (Working to promote AIDS awareness, or Have friends that are Gay, Have helped to advocate for laws protecting them from discrimination, etc…) These people have the opportunity to explain their stance and not sound judgmental because they have already proven they are not. But what about the rest of us? How do we respond? What about our church especially (at the moment) an ELCA church?

Here is my suggestion. If you’re not a pastor or a part of the church leadership. Our best response is to PRAY. Pray that when the issue comes up and you are around that God give you the best most loving way to respond and that he open their hearts to hear. Pray for the ELCA in general. That the leadership have their eyes opened to the lies that they have been fed. (Believe it or not they are acting in what they believe to be the best interest of the church and I think God as well.) If you are a member of an ELCA Church pray for your specific church and it’s leadership that they are given the wisdom to know how to best respond. Let your pastors know you are praying as well. If you’re not a member ask God if there is a specific church or pastor he would like you to pray for.

Here is what I find funny. I’m looking at this and thinking “How could anyone respond to this is a non damaging way and show the world that God is Loving and caring?” I have a hard time finding the correct response thinking we are in a corner on this one. Then I look to Jesus in Matthew 22 and again in Luke 20 it talks about the Pharisees trying to trick Jesus. They ask him a question that has no correct response “Should we pay taxes to ceasar?” If he says yes than he is a traitor if he says no then he goes against Rome. Yet he finds a way to respond that correctly puts his in accusers their place and later on asks them a question that they have no response to.

Our assignment this week and it is an assignment for all is to PRAY ask God to give our leaders just such an answer. To give them an answer that keeps the detractors at bay. Then to give them a question to ask that keeps this issue out of the church for good. Now I have a second assignment and this is for only those that feel led or called to do this. On Wednesday of this week (Tomorrow) Sept 2nd at 6pm since it is the Largest ELCA in Iowa and from what I hear the fastest growing in the country. I am going to head over to Lutheran Church of Hope and pray specifically for it and it’s leaders. That God give Pastor Mike the wisdom and the courage to respond in the best possible manner. I assume that they have already given an initial response but it is far from over. If you can and feel called to it please feel free to join me I will be by the front doors at 6pm then begin walking the perimeter and praying. There is nothing fancy or organized about the evening. If you can’t come at 6 come earlier or later and pray. If you don’t find me or don’t know what I look like and are afraid to ask don’t worry about it just begin praying and leave when you are done.

Alright Gang there ya have it. Have a great week and as always Let’s live it upside down

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